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Work Area Overview

Mission Statement:

This Work Area focuses on the introduction of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), including migration and coexistence of physical and virtual elements, into the broadband network.

Work Area Directors: Ken Ko, ADTRAN and George Dobrowski, Huawei Technologies

Business Impact:

The migration to SDN and NFV in the broadband network facilitates agile deployment of new customized distributed broadband services and applications. This enables new revenues and provider differentiation while managing OpEx both in the access network and in single and multi-tenant residential and business locations.


The scope includes migration to and deployment of SDN- and NFV-enabled implementations across all aspects of the broadband network. The architecture is based on the initial definition of and extensions to the framework for virtualization in the broadband network.

ARO Work Area View

Project Streams


Project Stream
DescriptionPS Leads
Cloud in the Central Office
Cloud CO)

This project stream proposes developing a next generation Central Office (CO) System that aligns with the BBF Broadband 20/20 vision, which incorporates Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization, running on a cloud-like infrastructure deployed at Central Offices.

By ‘cloud-like’ is meant that the infrastructure leverages commodity network switches and commodity compute nodes with virtualization software to host various virtualized network functions (VNFs). Infrastructure operators can offer these functions to 3rd parties, and 3rd party network functions can be inserted into the platform, allowing Value Added Services.

The goal of this project is to provide an architectural framework for such a Cloud CO, with appropriate abstracted functional modules, and interfaces, eventual API and protocol choices and/or definitions. The architectural framework allows interconnecting these functional modules in an interoperable manner

This project will also establish a reference implementation of the Cloud CO framework, creating a platform for innovation and potential open source upstreaming into other organizations, as well as a platform for industry interoperability testing and certification of NFs and the components that implement the aforementioned functional modules.

Yves Hertoghs, VMWare
Ning Zong, Huawei Technologies


Project Stream
DescriptionPS Leads
Fixed Access Network Sharing (FANS)

FTTx represents today a high-cost technology (in terms of Return on Investments) to enhance data rates to the end customers, but it requires a huge effort, in terms of CAPEX and OPEX for access network deployment. Due to this, some operators have recognized the need to partner in order to improve the RoI of FTTx deployment.
Sharing the access network infrastructures is a viable way to expand the network and achieve an effective roll-out of new technologies.

FANS delivers one network sharing model with high flexibility for forward looking broadband network deployments and operations, facilitating the business innovation, enhancing the network efficiency and improving customer experience.

Bruno Cornaglia,  Vodafone


Project Stream
DescriptionPS Leads
SDN for MSBNAddresses all aspects of Software Defined Networking as deployed in broadband networks, with particular attention to issues affecting migration and mixed deployments. Architectural and framework definition is coordinated closely with the Architecture and Migration WA. Specific nodal requirements and other aspects may be coordinated with other Work Areas.

Charles Cook,   CenturyLink

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Calls, Minutes, Agendas

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SDN and NFV Teleconference Calendar

Main Teleconference Calendar

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Completed specs and white papers (Public Web site)

Projects in Progress for this Work Area


CloudCo Projects
Related Contributions
WT-328Virtual Business GatewayThis Working Text specifies architecture and requirements for the virtual business gateway. The virtual business gateway architecture describes the migration of functionalities running on a business gateway to the network service provider's infrastructure for enabling network-based features and services. Such migration is expected to simplify the deployment and management of the network and business services.
The purpose of this Working Text is to specify the virtual business gateway architecture as well as deployment scenarios. Such architecture would target different business premises sizes, e.g., small and medium enterprises (SMEs), campus, as well as single office and home offices (SOHO).

Click Here

Ron Insler, RAD Data Communications
Guiu Fabregas,  Nokia

WT-384Framework of Cloud in Central Office

Definition of a reference architectural framework of the Cloud Central Office i.e. defining the behavior of the functional modules and how they interact. The project will: describe a reference architectural framework for the Cloud Central Office; provide use cases; decompose BNG, Access Node and CPEs to functional modules, physical or virtual, with proper granularity; reconstruct into network functions and service processing flows/interfaces between them; and specify how to host VAS VNFs and corresponding service processing flows/interfaces between them.

Click Here

Ding Hai, China Unicom
Georgios Karagiannis, Huawei Technologies

WT-411Definition of interfaces between the Cloud CO functional modules
Click Here
WT-412Test Cases for Cloud CO Applications
Click Here
WT-413Migration to SDN-Enabled Management and Control
Click Here

CloudCO Project Stream pages


FANS Projects
Related Contributions
WT-370FANS Overall Architecture and RequirementsFANS Overall Architecture and Requirements investigates on the technical aspects associated with Fixed Access Network Sharing (FANS), which covers the Access Network and part of the Customer Network in case of PON architecture, addressing the typical infrastructures, topologies and deployment scenarios. It also provides security considerations necessary to support multi-operator access sharing. This project outlines technical aspects related to the migration of TR-101 and TR-178 based architectures toward a shared converged broadband access network architecture that supports the business drivers defined in SD-351. Besides multi-operator sharing scenarios, this project can be also appropriate for a network operator that wants to slice its access network to offer different services toward customers (e.g., for residential or enterprise markets) and wants to be able to manage it using a vertical organization structure. Furthermore, FANS Overall Architecture and Requirements is the ongoing pilot project for the upcoming activities related to Access Network Sharing interface(s) and SDN-Enabled FANS.Click Here

Bruno Cornaglia,  Vodafone Group Services

WT-386FANS Access Network Sharing Interfaces“FANS - Access Network Sharing Interfaces” investigates technical aspects related to the system interfaces associated with FANS. This document provides details and the necessary information required to effectively define these interfaces as well as the rules for communicating with them.Click Here

Peter Silverman,   ASSIA


SDN MSBN Projects
Related Contributions
WT-358Support for SDN in Access Network NodesWT-358 "Requirements for Support of SDN in Access Nodes" has two goals. The first goal is to define the requirements necessary to support SDN-based implementations for Access Nodes including FTTdp. This work is based on use cases identified in SD-313 and existing TRs such as TR-101 and TR-178 developed within BBF. A second goal is to identify gaps in current SDN protocols relative to the requirements identified and to communicate those gaps to the appropriate development organizations.Click Here

Ruobin Zheng, Huawei Technologies
Chengbin Shen, China Telecom

WT-368YANG Models for ANs in SDN

In development.

Click Here


WT/MD/SD#Cloud Co ProjectsAbstractRelated ContributionsEditors
MD-322Service Provider Managed Enterprise ServicesThis white paper aims to describe the Service Provider Managed Enterprise Services (SPMES), which could help the fixed network operators to enhance their capabilities to accelerate new service deployments, ensure services availability for customers as well as facilitate the operator infrastructure migration towards new networking technologies.Click HereJie Hu, China Telecom