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Note: For work and wiki pages predating the January 2019 formation of the Access and Transport Architecture Work Area, see the retired Architecture and Migration Work Area and the Routing and Transport Work Work Area wiki pages. 

Table of Contents

ATA Work Area Project Streams and



ATA New Project Initiation Forms (NPIFs)

ATA Non-PS Assigned Projects


Project Stream Page: ATA Non-PS Assigned Projects

Work Area Director: David Sinicrope, Ericsson

Description: Projects that don’t fit under the scope of an existing Project Stream or if they fit under the scope of more than one Project Stream, are developed under the Non-PS Assigned category. 

Access Architecture (AA) Project Stream

Project Deliverable and Document Numbering Note

Most projects use deliverable (e.g., tutorial slide deck) and document numbers assigned independent of inter-relation or project association. (e.g., TR-421, MR-433, MR-238, TR-224, TR-350, MR-367) 

However, some deliverables or documents are numbered in a series associating them together as related or part of the same project using a suffix notation (e.g., TR-452.1, TR-452.2, TR-452.3, etc;.  MR-452.1, MR-452.2, MR-452.3, etc.; TR-319 Base, TR-319 Part A, TR-319 Part B, etc.)  The suffix, when used, is treated as an integral part of the document number for purposes of revision (e.g., TR.459.2 Issue 2), amendment (e.g. WT-390.2 Amendment 1), or correction (e.g., MD-521.2 Corrigendum 1).  Note that the first deliverable in a series may or may not use the .1 suffix. (e.g., TR-459, TR-459.2, TR-459.3 vs. TR-452.1, TR-452.2, TR-452.3, etc., MR-521.1, MR-521.2, etc.).

Questions on ATA document numbering should be directed to the Work Area Directors.

ATA New Project Initiation Forms (NPIFs)


Project PageATA New Project Initiation Forms (NPIFs)

Work Area Director:Jonathan Newton , Vodafone.

Description: Proposed new projects for ATA or combination of Work Areas including ATA.

ATA Non-PS Assigned Projects


Project Stream Page: ATA Non-PS Assigned Projects

Work Area Director: Jonathan Newton , Vodafone.

Description: Projects that don’t fit under the scope of an existing Project Stream or if they fit under the scope of more than one Project Stream, are developed under the Non-PS Assigned category. 

Access Architecture (AA) Project Stream


Project Stream Page: Access Architecture (AA) Project Stream

Project Stream Leads:  Jonathan Newton, Vodafone


The project stream mission is to advance access broadband network architecture in traditional and new areas to ensure quality connectivity leading to quality user experience.  Identify and document the key functionalities and relationships between entities to facilitate the transition of networks to encompass new practices such as virtualization while documenting the key functionalities that need to be brought forward to enable a seamless evolution path.A critical element of the work is the long term support of existing and new physical and statically management network elements alongside agile and virtualized functions in what effectively will be a stable hybrid network. This enables seamless migration based on market acceptance on new technologies, protection of existing infrastructure investment and normal spread of deployment in different territories.The project stream will focus on:

  1. New, distributed access network architectures, including some or all of which is virtualized.

  2. Defining the access (e.g., AN, BNG) function, interfaces and interactions of the equipment within these new architectures

  3. Defining the equipment requirements needed to support the new architectures

  4. Migration from existing access networks to those deployed leveraging the new architectures, functions and equipment

  5. Maintenance of existing access architecture, functions and equipment requirements

Business Impact: 

The work creates the necessary foundation for all of the broadband network. It underpins new value-added services and application delivery for fixed access networks, for home and business that can now be deployed at the pace of each market. Co-existence of physical and virtualized solutions and from static and dynamic services will create a broadband network mitigating the risks to existing revenue and enabling market-paced migration.  Drive evolution of the network to improve scale, resiliency, reliability and security.


Specifically the project stream covers the following areas:

  • Overall broadband access network architecture from RG through BNG.

  • Conventional Broadband Network Gateway (BNG) - definition, architecture, function definition and requirements.

  • Disaggregated Broadband Network Gateway - definition, architecture, function definition and requirements.

  • Conventional Access Node (AN)- definition, architecture, function definition and requirements.

Project Stream Overview

Project Stream Leads: David Sinicrope (GM), Ericsson

The project stream mission is to advance access broadband network architecture in traditional and new areas to ensure quality connectivity leading to quality user experience.  Identify and document the key functionalities and relationships between entities to facilitate the transition of networks to encompass new practices such as virtualization while documenting the key functionalities that need to be brought forward to enable a seamless evolution path.A critical element of the work is the long term support of existing and new physical and statically management network elements alongside agile and virtualized functions in what effectively will be a stable hybrid network. This enables seamless migration based on market acceptance on new technologies, protection of existing infrastructure investment and normal spread of deployment in different territories.The project stream will focus on:

New, distributed access network architectures, including some or all of which is virtualized.
  • Defining the access (e.g., AN, BNG) function, interfaces and interactions of the equipment within these new architectures

  • Defining the equipment requirements needed to support the new architectures

  • Migration from existing access networks to those deployed leveraging the new architectures, functions and equipment

  • Maintenance of existing access architecture, functions and equipment requirements

  • Business Impact: 
    The work creates the necessary foundation for all of the broadband network. It underpins new value-added services and application delivery for fixed access networks, for home and business that can now be deployed at the pace of each market. Co-existence of physical and virtualized solutions and from static and dynamic services will create a broadband network mitigating the risks to existing revenue and enabling market-paced migration.  Drive evolution of the network to improve scale, resiliency, reliability and security.
    Specifically the project stream covers the following areas:
    • Overall broadband access network architecture from RG through BNG.
    • Conventional Broadband Network Gateway (BNG) - definition, architecture, function definition and requirements.
    • Disaggregated Broadband Network Gateway - definition, architecture, function definition and requirements.
    • Conventional Access Node (AN)- definition, architecture, function definition and requirements.


    Project Name and Page Link

    Project Overview

    459 - Multi-Service Disaggregated BNG with CUPS



    The Architecture and Transport Architecture (ATA) Working Area (WA) has a rich history in defining various BNG architectures and requirements, from classic functions such as L2TP LAC to more recent functions such as Network Enhanced Residential Gateway (NERG) and Public Wi-Fi access in MS-BNG.  The MS-Disaggregated BNG (DBNG) is an on-going project at ATA.   TR-459 serve as a foundation document in defining the the architecture and requirements for a DBNG.  Standardizing interfaces and protocols will ensure interoperability between various types of control planes and user planes deployments.  One of the key objective TR-459 is to ensure the DBNG provides the same broadband service offerings as a classic MS-BNG. Compared to a classic MS-BNG, the MS-DBNG have several key advantages such as independent user plane and control plane scaling, independent control and user plane life cycle management, and centralized control plane for configuration.  The separation of the control plane and user plane enables more efficient use of resources and simplifies operations.  In addition, BBF is a forum that allows synergy amongst various work area and creates a unified vision for the broadband industry.  An example of this is WT-459 the protocol selected for the State Control Interface (SCI) named, Packet Forwarding Control Protocol (PFCP).  PFCP, a protocol defined by 3GPP in TS 29.244 for control and user plane separation (CUPS) communication, is used for 4G and 5G 3GPP architecture.  In WT-458, CUPS for fixed mobile convergence, BBF again selected PFCP for the SCI.  This is one of many examples of how BBF is providing a platform for all stakeholders to collaborate and create synergy across different Working Areas with a unified vision for Broadband.The DBNG project continue to define and study new architecture and new requirement of interest to service providers and vendors.  DBNG YANG modeling, DBNG CG-NAT, and DBNG User Plane traffic steering are just some of the current working projects related to DBNG.  New DBNG topics are encouraged to be brought to the ATA group through contributions, the following link provide the most up-to-date topics.


    Project Deliverables under Development

    See BBF Work in Progress - Projects, Project Streams, and Jira Links

    Filter the table at the link above on Work Area = "ATA" and Project Stream = "Access Architecture"

    Completed Project



    Project Name and Page LinkProject Overview

    Multi-Service Disaggregated BNG with CUPS


    The Architecture and Transport Architecture (ATA) Working Area (WA) has a rich history in defining various BNG architectures and requirements, from classic functions such as L2TP LAC to more recent functions such as Network Enhanced Residential Gateway (NERG) and Public Wi-Fi access in MS-BNG.  The MS-Disaggregated BNG (DBNG) is an on-going project at ATA.   TR-459 serve as a foundation document in defining the the architecture and requirements for a DBNG.  Standardizing interfaces and protocols will ensure interoperability between various types of control planes and user planes deployments.  One of the key objective TR-459 is to ensure the DBNG provides the same broadband service offerings as a classic MS-BNG. 

    Compared to a classic MS-BNG, the MS-DBNG have several key advantages such as independent user plane and control plane scaling, independent control and user plane life cycle management, and centralized control plane for configuration.  The separation of the control plane and user plane enables more efficient use of resources and simplifies operations. 

    In addition, BBF is a forum that allows synergy amongst various work area and creates a unified vision for the broadband industry.  An example of this is WT-459 the protocol selected for the State Control Interface (SCI) named, Packet Forwarding Control Protocol (PFCP).  PFCP, a protocol defined by 3GPP in TS 29.244 for control and user plane separation (CUPS) communication, is used for 4G and 5G 3GPP architecture.  In WT-458, CUPS for fixed mobile convergence, BBF again selected PFCP for the SCI.  This is one of many examples of how BBF is providing a platform for all stakeholders to collaborate and create synergy across different Working Areas with a unified vision for Broadband.

    The DBNG project continue to define and study new architecture and new requirement of interest to service providers and vendors.  DBNG YANG modeling, DBNG CG-NAT, and DBNG User Plane traffic steering are just some of the current working projects related to DBNG.  New DBNG topics are encouraged to be brought to the ATA group through contributions, the following link provide the most up-to-date topics.


    Project Deliverables


    Control and User Plane Separation for a Disaggregated BNG


    TR-459 defines the architecture, the requirements, and the protocol for a control and user plane separation of a disaggregated BNG.


    Multi-Service Disaggregated BNG with CUPS.

    Reference Architecture, Deployment Models, interface, and Protocol Specifications

    WT-459 issue 2This is an issue 2 of TR-459, renamed to "Multi-Service Disaggregated BNG with CUPS.

    Reference Architecture, Deployment Models, interface, and Protocol Specifications".  This is to further differentiate from WT-487.  This Working Text further clarify call flows, requirements, and PFCP IEs updates for TR-459.

    IRA Issues

    Baseline Working Text (WT) draft CONTRIB-22737.

    Kenneth WanCGN Functionality for Disaggregated BNG ProjectWT-459.2

    This Working Text defines the architecture and requirements to support CG-NAT for a MS-DBNG defined in TR-459.

    IRA Issues

    Baseline Working Text (WT) draft CONTRIB-21341.


    IPTV Multicast for the Disaggregated BNGWT-459.3This Working Text defines the architecture and requirements to support IP Multicast for a disaggregated BNG defined in TR-459.CONTRIB-22628Nagaraj S TuraiyurWT-460: YANG Modules for Broadband Network Gateways

    BNGs and virtual BNGs are generally configured with SSH/telnet/SNMP protocols today. Current evolution of BNG function is requiring much more flexibility in terms of programmability thus requiring the BNGs and vBNGs to interface with SDN Controllers and/or new Element Managers. In order to achieve BNG and vBNG programmability, availability of BNG/vBNG YANG models is required.IETF has already created some YANG data modules that can be reused for being applied to BNG/vBNGs, some examples are:

    • RFC8344 “A YANG Data Model for IP Management”

    • RFC8022 “A YANG Data Model for Routing Management”

    • RFC8347 “A YANG Data Model for the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)”

    • RFC8349 “A YANG Data Model for Routing Management (NMDA Version)”

    • RFC8345 “A YANG Data Model for Network Topologies”

    • RFC7317 “A YANG Data Model for System Management”

    • RFC8294 “Common YANG Data Types for the Routing Area”

    • Draft RFC “A YANG Data Model for Routing Policy Management”

    However the above mentioned data models are not sufficient for configuring and managing a BNG/vBNG, in particular among the others data models for the subscriber management are missed as it is indeed one of functionalities of a BNG actually.


    This project has been created in order to close a gap we currently have with respect to Access Node where projects on YANG data Models already exist since years, while none has been created for BNG/vBNG.


    The scope of this project is to define and develop the set of YANG data modules needed for configuration and monitoring (FCAPS) of BNGs/vBNGs as follows:

    • Identification of Existing applicable YANG models in IETF or other SDO

    • Development of YANG models to cover BNG functionalities that are not sufficiently covered by existing YANG models

    This project can be managed as other projects in Common YANG PS (for example TR-383), that is it can be an ongoing project. When one or more YANG modules are ready for publication they will go through SB and FB in the same way as any other WT and it will be published, and then work on the next Amendment will immediately begin. The new BBF’s YANG DMs and those published by IETF for BNG/vBNG are expected to be cross referenced in future TR-413 Issue 2.








    WT-474: Subscriber Session Steering

    As Broadband Networks become more dynamic with SDN control and Cloud Central office, it is now possible to programmatically control which User Plane (UP) function each individual subscriber should be connected to.  This creates many advantages for an operator to offer different service propositions to different customers.

    At the same time, User Plane functions (such as the BNG) are becoming increasingly disaggregated and cloud native, with centralised control plane and subscriber state and the ability to scale out (add additional UP processing functions) to manage short term or long term changes in load. 

    There is a need for a standardised approach for a disaggregated service function ,such as a disaggregated BNG (dBNG), to be able to be able to identify to which UP instance newly authenticating subscribers should be connected, or to request that existing subscribers should be redistributed or moved between UP instances.  

    In other words, we need to define an architecture and interfaces such that the access network can offer an ingress load-balancing capability towards cloud-native user plane functions


    Network Operators will not be able to effectively deploy disaggregated service functions such as the dBNG without a standardized approach to balance and move subscribers between UP instances. 

    Service Providers increasingly desire to differentiate the services that are offered to individual customers (eg low latency / by revenue / for high throughput).   This project will enable increasing differentiation by steering subscribers to a suitable UP function.  This could include UP that are deployed to offer different SLA (i.e edge services).  It may also include use cases where a subscriber-specific User Plane is created on demand, to which the subscriber session is then dynamically connected.

    Network Operators need new tools to be able to manage and upgrade networks as the industry moved to sdn/nfv.  Session Steering will enable software deployment approaches in line with the cloud paradigm (such as automated incremental upgrades with canary testing on a small number of subscribers), as well as additional network resilience.

    Our industry is under increasing pressure to reduce power usage.  The ability to dynamically move active subscribers between functions without service impact will allow hardware / software to be temporarily removed from service at certain times of the day.


    This project will create a WT that defines an architecture for Subscriber Session Steering, using the dBNG as an exemplary function.  

    The following are in scope for inclusion in the project:

    Phase 1:

    • Identification & definition of the opportunities and use cases for session steering.

    Phase 2:

    • How to identify the UP instances that can serve a subscribers requirements
    • How to balance newly authenticating subscribers amongst the available UP instances that can meet their requirements.
    • How to request that a subscriber or group of subscribers is moved from one UP instance to a different UP instance (without customer impact if at all possible).
    • How a change in subscriber policy can trigger a change in the placement of a subscriber.
    • Requirements on the SDN controller to support session steering
    • Requirements for the Service Function (eg dBNG) to support session steering
    • Identification of the protocols and interfaces that will be used

    Note: the term 'Subscriber Session' is used within the context of this NPIF as per the definition in TR-146.  It is recognized that there may be use cases for steering with a different context of session (IP session or even IP Flow), but this is currently out of scope. 


    Project Deliverables


    Subscriber Session Steering

    WT-474WT-487 DBNG For Wired Access Multiexcerpt

    This projects focuses on control/user plane separation of BNG in the case of wired access (e.g. PON, xDSL, etc). It will start with use case details, including deployment scenarios and operational aspects, then move to architectural framework and finally move to protocol considerations

    This project profiles DBNG aspects specific to MS-BNG aggregating subscribers over wired access networks, including fixed access(e.g. PPPoE, IPoE, L2TP, etc.), CGN, multicast, resilience, etc.

    It will define use case, aechitecture, requirements and CUPS protocol for wired access. 


    Continue to promote BNG enhancements that allow more flexibility in terms of deployment models and multi-vendor interoperability between disaggregated components.

    Key business impact: benefits of network disaggregation applied to fixed subscriber management; additional deployment models to adapt to wide areas of operators requirements


    This project profiles DBNG aspects specific to MS-BNG aggregating subscribers over wireline access networks. The scope of this new project addresses a subset of the fixed access use cases found in TR-459 and potential additional fixed use cases.

    This project excludes any use cases that includes wireless access (4G/5G, Wi-Fi,…), hybrid access and wireless-wireline convergence. Such use cases are addressed by TR-459 cases in addition to the wireline baseline.

    The project is phased with checkpoints in-between phases, to ensure clear transitions between stage 1/ 2/ 3 aspects.

    Phase 1: Scope and DBNG for wired access Use Cases

    • Detailed scope/ non-scope for the document
    • List and Describe use cases with wireline access
    • Identify service-level aspects (e.g. high speed internet, voice, IPTV,…) and key enablers (e.g. HQoS, multicast, etc)
    • Include deployment scenarios (e.g. distribution) and operational aspects
    • Identify any candidate architectural extensions meeting use cases requirements and deployment scenarios 
    • Include interoperability aspects
    • Identify adjacent BBF projects if applicable (eg. Traffic steering)
    • Refer to TR-459: deltas, including additional use cases, should be clearly highlighted, if any


    Phase 2: Architectural Aspects for DBNG in fixed access & Requirements for nodes and interfaces/protocols between CP and UP

    • DBNG functional architecture – refer to TR-459 section 4.3, but limited to wireline access models and relevant functional blocks. Includes external interfaces (e.g., B interface)
    • Define interfaces between CP and UP – Expecting Mi, SCi, CPRi to still be relevant; refer to TR-459, identify subsets and deltas in case of wired-only access.
    • Call flows – protocol independent presentation
    • Define general, protocol-independent requirements for each interface type
    • Specify common call flow principles to define points and conditions in the flow that result in subscriber/node level UP programming and status reporting
    • Specify common protocol requirements with regards to per node, per subscriber state programming and reporting, status / event-based updates, security, reliability, resilience, etc.
    • For the requirements that have already been defined in TR-459, this project will not try to redefine them, instead, references to those requirements will be added.


    Phase 3: Protocol specific aspects

    • Protocol analysis:
      • candidates and evaluation of protocol fit with requirements - goal is multi-vendor interoperability
      • PFCP evaluation – required subset to cover wireline only; analysis of flaws and deficiencies, if any
    • Alternative protocol option(s)
    • Depending on analysis results, create annexes in the same document describing use of specific protocol in the context of DBNG for wired access, possible protocol enhancements, specific attributes / extensions for BBF, etc.
    • For now, the project does not make assumptions if one, two or more protocols can be applicable to support DBNG fixed-only.
    • This annex/these annexes is/are the only content which is protocol specific.

    Between each phase, consensus is required to agree to progress to the next phase. The goal is to proceed in a top-down fashion, encouraging the group to focus contributions relevant for the active phase, getting to a stable content before moving to the next level of detail.

    This project is expected to leverage the protocol-independent areas of TR-459 (e.g. architecture, functional decomposition,…) for what is relevant for fixed only. As much as possible, consistency with protocol independent aspects of TR-459 should prevail.

    It is understood that following issues/revisions of TR-459 will continue in parallel to this new project (eg. CGNAT and multicast support). This does not preclude this new project to cover these use cases.

    Upon completion of this working text, some Marketing Document can be generated to advertise BBF recommendations

    Disaggregated BNG


    Kenneth Wan

    Improving Service Resilience through BNG Disaggregation


    Jonathan Newton 

    Five Key Questions on the Disaggregated BNG


    Kenneth Wan

    CUPS for a disaggregated BNG: Objective and Scope



    IPTV Multicast for the Disaggregated BNG


    This document defines the architecture and requirements to support IP Multicast for a disaggregated BNG defined in TR-459.

    Nagaraj S Turaiyur

    CGN Functionality for Disaggregated BNG Project


    This document defines the architecture and requirements to support CG-NAT for a MS-DBNG defined in TR-459.

    Kenneth Wan

    Control and User Plane Separation for a Disaggregated BNG


    This document defines the architecture, the requirements, and the protocol for a control and user plane separation of a disaggregated BNG.

    Kenneth Wan

    Subscriber Session Steering


    Project Overview


    As Broadband Networks become more dynamic with SDN control and Cloud Central office, it is now possible to programmatically control which User Plane (UP) function each individual subscriber should be connected to.  This creates many advantages for an operator to offer different service propositions to different customers.At the same time, User Plane functions (such as the BNG) are becoming increasingly disaggregated and cloud native, with centralised control plane and subscriber state and the ability to scale out (add additional UP processing functions) to manage short term or long term changes in load. There is a need for a standardised approach for a disaggregated service function ,such as a disaggregated BNG (dBNG), to be able to be able to identify to which UP instance newly authenticating subscribers should be connected, or to request that existing subscribers should be redistributed or moved between UP instances.  In other words, we need to define an architecture and interfaces such that the access network can offer an ingress load-balancing capability towards cloud-native user plane functions


    Network Operators will not be able to effectively deploy disaggregated service functions such as the dBNG without a standardized approach to balance and move subscribers between UP instances. Service Providers increasingly desire to differentiate the services that are offered to individual customers (eg low latency / by revenue / for high throughput).   This project will enable increasing differentiation by steering subscribers to a suitable UP function.  This could include UP that are deployed to offer different SLA (i.e edge services).  It may also include use cases where a subscriber-specific User Plane is created on demand, to which the subscriber session is then dynamically connected.Network Operators need new tools to be able to manage and upgrade networks as the industry moved to sdn/nfv.  Session Steering will enable software deployment approaches in line with the cloud paradigm (such as automated incremental upgrades with canary testing on a small number of subscribers), as well as additional network resilience.Our industry is under increasing pressure to reduce power usage.  The ability to dynamically move active subscribers between functions without service impact will allow hardware / software to be temporarily removed from service at certain times of the day.


    This project will create a WT that defines an architecture for Subscriber Session Steering, using the dBNG as an exemplary function.  

    The following are in scope for inclusion in the project:Phase 1:

    • Identification & definition of the opportunities and use cases for session steering.

    Phase 2:

    • How to identify the UP instances that can serve a subscribers requirements

    • How to balance newly authenticating subscribers amongst the available UP instances that can meet their requirements.

    • How to request that a subscriber or group of subscribers is moved from one UP instance to a different UP instance (without customer impact if at all possible).

    • How a change in subscriber policy can trigger a change in the placement of a subscriber.

    • Requirements on the SDN controller to support session steering

    • Requirements for the Service Function (eg dBNG) to support session steering

    • Identification of the protocols and interfaces that will be used

    Note: the term 'Subscriber Session' is used within the context of this NPIF as per the definition in TR-146.  It is recognized that there may be use cases for steering with a different context of session (IP session or even IP Flow), but this is currently out of scope. 


    Project Deliverables under Development

    See BBF Work in Progress - Projects, Project Streams, and Jira Links

    Filter the table at the link above on Work Area = "ATA" and Project Stream = "Access Architecture"

    Completed Project Deliverables






    497 - Public Wi-Fi User Authentication


    Project Overview

    Public Wi-Fi user authentication and data local forwarding technical requirements


    This project aims to define the network architecture and technical requirements for Wi-Fi users to be uniformly authenticated by AC and local forwarding of user data, so that Wi-Fi devices developed by device manufacturers can meet the requirements of Wi-Fi networking and operation requirements. This project is to focus on the requirements and use case aligned and complementary to TR-321.


    Further promote the development of Wi-Fi networking technology. The implementation of this project can realize the networking technology of Wi-Fi users focusing on AC authentication and management and local forwarding of user data. A variety of AC devices can be used for networking, including traditional dedicated AC and NFV based virtual  AC(vAC) , etc. AC can also be deployed in the cloud. This networking mode can meet the new requirements of operators.


    Based on the TR-321 architecture 3, the project contents including the following three aspects shall be carried out

    1.Define networking scenarios.

    1The AC is deployed on the network cloud, and the AP connects to the AC through the Internet by a gateway device.

    2The AC is deployed on the edge of the metropolitan area network or on the access network side, and APs access the AC through dedicated lines.

    2.Propose user cases and formulate operation processes,

    1) User address allocation operation process.

    2) User association process.

    3) User online operation process.

    4) User offline operation process.

    3.Put forward equipment technical requirements.


    Project Deliverables under Development

    See BBF Work in Progress - Projects, Project Streams, and Jira Links

    Filter the table at the link above on Work Area = "ATA" and Project Stream = "Access Architecture"

    Completed Project Deliverables






    Public Wi-Fi user authentication and data local forwarding technical requirements


    Defines the network architecture and technical requirements for Wi-Fi users to be authenticated by access controller (AC) and local forwarding of user data, so that Wi-Fi devices developed by device manufacturers can meet the requirements of Wi-Fi networking and operation requirements

    Gao Bo Lei Zhou 

    515 - Security Considerations for IPv6 Broadband Networks



    To provide some ipv6 deployment considerations to mitigate Ipv6 risks, and then also specify the IPv6 security requirements of network equipment in broadband network.


    Phase 1:

    • Review the current BBF specifications on IPv6 security, including TR-146, TR-177, TR-187, TR-242, TR-296, to help understand the impacts and updates brought by this project.
    • Introduce IPv6 security techniques, such as CGA, SEND, IPsec, BGPsec, RPKI, SAVI & SAVNET etc.
    • Specify IPv6 security requirements for the network elements at broadband network, including RG, access nodes and BNG.
    • Provide deployment considerations for IPv6 security (e.g., SLAAC, DHCPv6, IPv6 Transition/Co-existence, SRv6 security considerations, etc.)

    Phase 2: 

    • Specify test plan for IPv6 security requirements


    Project Deliverables under Development

    See BBF Work in Progress - Projects, Project Streams, and Jira Links

    Filter the table at the link above on Work Area = "ATA" and Project Stream = "Access Architecture"



    Project Deliverables






    DBNG for Wired Access


    This project profiles DBNG aspects specific to MS-BNG aggregating subscribers over wired access networks, including fixed access(e.g. PPPoE, IPoE, L2TP, etc.), CGN, multicast, resilience, etc.

    This project will include use case, reference architecture, requirements, interfaces, and protocol specifications for Wired Access DBNG.

    Baseline Working Text (WT) draft


    Mobile Transport and Routing (MT&R) Project Stream

    Multiexcerpt include
    PageWithExcerptMobile Transport and Routing (MT&R) Project Stream


    Project Stream Leads: David Sinicrope (GM) , Ericsson


    To produce industry agreed specifications of the routing and transport network infrastructure and solutions for the transport of traffic in mobile networks, including 2G, 3G, LTE and 5G mobile networks. This work typically being in the form of architecture, equipment requirements, interoperability and conformance test plans, implementation guidance and education materials.

    Business Impact

    This work accelerates industry adoption of new routing and transport technology and deployment of new services and infrastructure in mobile networks. The work includes the introduction of and migration to SDN and virtualization of the mobile transport network infrastructure where commercially viable.


    Control, management and data plane for the IP layer down to the physical layers, including time and synchronization, OAM, routing, resiliency, scalability, security, virtualization of the mobile transport infrastructure, and enablement of software driven networking. 

    Performance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT) Project Stream


    Project Stream Page: Performance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT) Project Stream

    Project Stream Leads:  Fabio Giudici 


    The project stream mission is to advance testing in traditional and new areas to ensure quality connectivity leading to quality user experience.

    The project stream will focus mainly in two areas:

    1. Enhanced packet layer performance testing e.g.,bandwidth/capacity, min/average/max latency measurements and jitter, loss, etc and 

    2. Testing that goes beyond traditional packet layer performance to test and analyze the application and service layer quality

    Both are needed to provide insight into quality of experience and application outcomes such that the network, while essential, becomes an invisible part of the customer experience. 

    Business Impact: 

    Provide the information needed to analyze a network’s detailed performance allowing service providers to offer not only higher capacity connectivity services, but also higher quality connectivity services. 

    This in turn enables and accelerates industry adoption and deployment of new services and infrastructure.


    Specifically the project stream covers the following areas of connectivity quality testing:

    • CE to IP Edge testing extends Broadband Forum’s OAM framework with architectural and nodal requirements to enable Customer Equipment to IP Edge service assurance of broadband subscribers, both for business and residential connections.

    • IP Layer Capacity Metrics and Measurements harmonizes the Industry around a specific set of Capacity metrics and measurement method with clear benefits of multi-dimensional performance assessment at existing and new Gigabit-rate access speeds.

    • Quality Experience Delivered is a method of systems performance analysis that decomposes a round trip time into constituent components enabling the networks performance to be analyzed and traced to sources causing performance degradation (packet loss/delay), be they structural (architecture/design), network dimensioning (link speeds etc.) or network load/scheduling related.  

    • Broadband Service Metrics Project aims to identify sets or suites of metrics or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that impact service delivery.


    Project Name and Page Link

    Project Overview

    5G Transport

    Performance Measurement from CE to IP Edge Project

    ATAMT&RPS5GTransportOverviewPageWithExcerpt5G Transport Project

    This project will deliver documentation that gives the architecture, and equipment requirements for providing a transport network suitable to supporting 5G mobile RAN and Core network traffic.


    Project Deliverables





    5G Transport Architecture and RequirementsWT-521MPLS in Mobile BackahulTR-221MPLS in Mobile Backhaul Amendment 1 - adds support for enhanced services and small cellsTR-221 Amd 1

    2nd amendment to TR-221 MPLS in Mobile Backhaul Networks - adds architecture and requirements for

    • time and phase synchronization
    • resiliency
    • BGP based signaling

    and other changes.

    TR-221 Amd 2MMBI LTE TutorialMR-234MMBI White Paper on Use of MPLS in LTE MR-2385G Transport WhitepaperMD-521 (was MD-391)Mobile – Transport Network Slice instance Management Interfaces (MTNSi)

    Performance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT) Project Stream


    Project Overview

    This project will extend Broadband Forum’s OAM framework with architectural and nodal requirements to enable Customer Equipment to IP Edge service assurance of broadband subscribers, both for business and residential connections.

    The main business drivers for this work are:

    • Define standardized mechanisms for performance measurement (e.g. delay, jitter, loss) between network side of the RG/CPE and access side of the BNG/PE
    • Give service providers insight on how their access network is performing
    • Ability to use existing but not currently deployed tools

    The BBF is in a unique position to give service providers the tools they need in this subject matter, defining a solution that allows measurement and exposure of RG/CPE to BNG/PE network performance and addresses the current gap.


    Project Deliverables under Development

    See BBF Work in Progress - Projects, Project Streams, and Jira Links

    Filter the table at the link above on Work Area = "ATA" and Project Stream = "Performance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT)"

    Completed Project Deliverables





    Performance Measurement from Customer Equipment to IP Edge

    TR-390This specification extends Broadband Forum’s OAM framework with architectural and nodal requirements to enable Customer Equipment to IP Edge service assurance of broadband subscribers, both for business and residential connections.

    Performance Measurement from Customer Equipment to IP EdgeTR-390i2This specification extends Broadband Forum’s OAM framework with architectural and nodal requirements to enable Customer Equipment to IP Edge service assurance of broadband subscribers, both for business and residential connections. - Using STAMP

    Gregory Mirsky , Ericsson

    Performance Measurement between Customer Equipment and IP Edge


    Quality Attenuation Measurement in Broadband

    Access Network using STAMP

    Gregory Mirsky, Ericson

    Broadband Quality Experience Delivered (Broadband QED) Project


    Project Overview

    This project will deliver documentation that gives a comprehensive overview of Quality Attenuation and its applicability to broadband networks. It will cover the theory, measurement technique, use-cases and benefits of the approach.


    Project Deliverables under Development

    See BBF Work in Progress - Projects, Project Streams, and Jira Links

    Filter the table at the link above on Work Area = "ATA" and Project Stream = "Performance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT)"

    Completed Project Deliverables





    Broadband Quality Experience Delivered (Broadband QED)

    Documentation of broad-ranging study

    serverBBF Jira

    Motivation for Quality Broadband (QED & Quality Attenuation)MR-452.1First MD in the series for MD452, describing the motivation for QED

    serverBBF Jira

    Jonathan Newton , Vodafone

    Text for MR on QED Uses in Lab Evaluation & Network DesignMR-452.4draft Marketing Document on use of Quality Attenuation in NW design & lab evaluation phases

    serverBBF Jira

    Gavin Young , Vodafone Peter Thompson , PNSol

    proposed text for MD on QED for creation of application SLAMR-452.2Proposes a draft for an MR in the MR-452.x series  to cover the use of DeltaQ in managing customer SLA.

    serverBBF Jira
    serverBBF Jira
    serverBBF Jira

    Jonathan Newton , Vodafone

    Quality Attenuation Architecture and RequirementsTR-452.1First TR for the revised NPIF - in Final Ballot

    serverBBF Jira

    serverBBF Jira

    serverBBF Jira

    Outstanding issues

    Peter Thompson , PNSol

    Rudy Hernandez , Spirent

    Quality Attenuation Measurements using Active Test ProtocolsTR-452.2Second WT for the revised NPIF

    serverBBF Jira
    serverBBF Jira
    serverBBF Jira

    Quality Attenuation Measurements Using L2 PM OAM


    This Technical Report addresses the implementation of Quality Attenuation (∆Q) measurement using Data

    Link Layer (L2) Active Test Protocols.

    Fabrizio Guidotti  OutSys
    Fabio Giudici , OutSys

    IP-Layer Capacity Metric, Related Metrics, and Measurement Methods Project


    Project Overview

    Standardize the IP-Layer Capacity Metric and Measurements with the benefit of BBF membership's unique expertise and perspectives. Ideally, to harmonize the Industry around a specific Capacity metric and method with clear benefits of multi-dimensional performance assessment at existing and new Gigabit-rate access speeds.


    Project Deliverables under Development

    See BBF Work in Progress - Projects, Project Streams, and Jira Links

    Filter the table at the link above on Work Area = "ATA" and Project Stream = "Performance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT)"

    Completed Project Deliverables





    Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Metric, Related Metrics, and Measurements


    Al Morton, AT&T

    Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Metric and MeasurementMR-471.1

    Click Here

    Al Morton, AT&T

    Broadband Service Metrics Project


    Project Overview

    This project is to address the needs of an operator to monitor and assure a platform for service delivery, encompassing QoS flows or slices across the network as well as vital aspects of service origination such as computing platforms, resources and sessions. The scope is limited to identifying sets or suites of metrics or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that impact service delivery. Sets of metrics can each apply to a class of services or application flows, and there is also a common set of service metrics.


    Project Deliverables under Development

    See BBF Work in Progress - Projects, Project Streams, and Jira Links

    Filter the table at the link above on Work Area = "ATA" and Project Stream = "

    Multiexcerpt includeSpaceWithExcerptBBFMultiExcerptNameATAPEATPSOverviewPageWithExcerpt

    Performance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT)

    Project Stream 

    Cloud Interconnect (CI) Project Stream

    Multiexcerpt include
    PageWithExcerptCloud Interconnect (CI) Project Stream

    Packet Optical Evolution (POE) Project Stream


    Completed Project Deliverables





    Multiexcerpt includeSpaceWithExcerptBBFMultiExcerptNameATAPOEPSOverviewPageWithExcerptPacket Optical Evolution (POE) Project Stream

    Work Area Overview

    Mission Statement:


    The Access and Transport Architecture (ATA) Work Area (WA) defines and specifies the architecture and equipment requirements for access , routing and transport network infrastructure.  ATA ATA produces industry-agreed specifications for applications such as mobile transport infrastructure (fronthaul and backhaul), data center interconnect, broadband Internet access , etc.  as as well as specifications for managing, testing, and maintaining these networks and their applications. This work typically takes the form of architecture, equipment requirements, test & implementation guidance, and education materials.

    Work Area DirectorsDirector:

    Business Impact:

    A critical element of the work is the long term support of existing network elements alongside virtualized software based network functions, resulting in a stable network that may be evolved over time. This enables seamless migration of new networking technologies based on their market acceptance, at the same time protecting existing infrastructure investment, and deployment into new different territories. ATA specifications underpin specifications underpin the network infrastructure, value-added services and application delivery for fixed and mobile access networks, and allow deployment at the pace of each relevant market. Co-existence of physical and virtualized solutions for static and dynamic services create a network infrastructure mitigating the risks to existing revenue at the same time it leverages new networking technology according to market demand.


    ATA maintains the primary architectures for the work of Broadband Forum. The architectures, requirements and other deliverables reflect the control, management, and data plane aspects of the access, transport and routed networks used to provide operator, enterprise and “over-the-top” Internet based connectivity services. The deliverables of the work area are designed to leverage and integrate new industry technologies while protecting investment of current deployments. These deliverables provide the industry with a collective and consistent methodology to drive product development and service deployment.

    Email List:

    ATA Work Area (WA):

    • used for ATA meeting notification, agendas, discussion, etc.

    Join or Leave BBF Groups and Email Lists

    • Go to your JIRA profile page to to see all of your current BBF group memberships. 

    ATA Calls, Minutes, Agendas

    Each Project has its own agenda and set of minutes.

    See the ATA Calendar and Deadlines for details on conference calls and meetings.

    See Also:

    Children Display
