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Request for Stand-Alone Project OB-SSSSTEER

This page forms the basis for a Board of Directors (BoD) agreement for new stand-alone projects. The Board of Directors will review the Request Form, with any accompanying documents. Upon agreement to proceed, BBF staff, on behalf of the Board of Directors, will oversee the processing of the necessary legal agreements, procedures, membership rules, setup of software tools, etc.

If you are interested in proposing a new project, please reach out to BBF via 


This Form has been prepared to assist the Broadband Forum. It is offered to the BoD as a basis for discussion and is not a binding proposal on the author(s), parent companies or any other company. The information is provided "as is" with no warrantees of any kind. Information presented in this document is subject to change after further study. The author reserves the right to add, amend or withdraw any and all statements made herein.


To submit a request for a new stand-alone project, copy this page by clicking the "..." menu button at the top right, then "Copy". Publish your new page with a title of the format: "Request for Stand-Alone Project: [Title and Acronym]". 


Details and description


Open Broadband Subscriber Session Steering (OB-STEER)
Type of project
  •  New project
  •  Extension of existing project(s)
Project description

Introduction: Open Broadband Subscriber Session Steering (OB-SSSSTEER) aims at creating a reference implementation for key elements of the Subscriber Session Steering architecture as currently worked out in WT-474.

Existing work (if any): The code that was used for SSS in 2023 CloudCO demo was polished and documented and put on github. BISDN would like to contribute the 4 projects in (code that would implement the TSF-CP) (Subscriber Session Context Manager) (the actual UPSF) (the SGRP manager)

as part of a larger effort.

Project prerequisites: 

Project roles: 

Project scope/phases

Work in 474 is ongoing, so the goal would be to follow with the existing code, build a common CI/CD, write test scenarios (for instance, from the use cases listed in the appendices). We could plan for yearly show cases (NetworkX?) and further on to plugfests with interested vendors.
Business need(s) and opportunitiesThe project is written in python, and focuses on rapid prototyping rather than performance. It would therefore be a good to build implementations on the concepts tested and shown here, not by copying the code itself. This will also mean that interoperability between vendors could be fostered by compatibility to a common reference.
Business impact(s) (check as many as applicable)
  •  New Revenue
  •  New Services
  •  New Applications
  •  Infrastructure
  •  Faster Time to Revenue
  •  Scalability
  •  Other (specify): Resilience, Energy Saving, Wholesale
Savings (if applicable)
  •  OpEx
  •  CapEx
  •  Non-Recurring Costs
Audience (check as many as applicable)


  •  Service Provider/Network Operator
  •  Equipment Manufacturer
  •  Component Manufacturer
  •  Software company
  •  Test company
  •  System Integrator


  •  Marketing/BusDev
  •  Developer
  •  Architect
  •  Network Operations
  •  IT
Deliverable type(s) (check as many as applicable)

National/International institutions:

  •  Governments
  •  Regulators
  •  SDOs


  •  Analysts
  •  Press


  •  Tech Spec
  •  Implementation Agreement
  •  Architecture
  •  Data Model
  •  API
  •  Test Plan
  •  Liaison
  •  Best Practices Paper
  •  Positioning Paper
  •  Others (specify): Improvement of WT-474 (via lessons learned)
Relationship to BBF strategy (e.g., Ultra-fast, Agile, Valuable)

Having a reference implementation shall speed up the work on implementing SSS; leading to more agile networks, enabling software vBNGs and their scaling, reducing the delay for certain service classes.

Related BBF documents/projects

WT-474, TR-459, TR-458

Related project dependencies from and proposed interactions with other SDOs/industry forums. Do any of these organizations (or members of ) need to be direct contributors inside the project?


Other special considerations: for non-members, IPP, timing, etc.

Target project completion date

Oct. 2024We will start from existing code base and update it to match the data models and work flows of WT-474. Target is to publish a Version 1.0 together with the publication of TR-474

 Supporting companies (please indicate if they are not BBF Members):



Project name: 

Initiation date: 



Scope of Work: 

Project deliverables: 

Non-BBF members: