
This page details the steps that ATA undertakes for contributing and reviewing bitbucket contributions. 

These practices do not apply to documents being developed in Word, where existing practices will continue to be used.  It is up to the Project Stream and Editors as to whether Word or Markdown is used to develop documents for any one project.

These contribution are those targeting a deliverable that is being developed using the BBF Code Tool (Bitbucket).   

The ATA Bitbucket Repository can be found here:  https://code.broadband-forum.org/projects/ATA

For the ATA Work Area, the deliverable is most likely to be one of the following:

Process for contributing:

Note: The Develop branch of the Bitbucket repository can be considered as the Baseline Working Text.

1: Identify the Issue

2: Work on the solution and propose changes

3a: Review for a Markdown WT

3b: Review for a YANG Model