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Work Area Overview

Mission Statement:

This Work Area focuses on the introduction of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), including migration and coexistence of physical and virtual elements, into the broadband network.

Work Area Director: David Allan, Ericsson

Business Impact:

The migration to SDN and NFV in the broadband network facilitates agile deployment of new customized distributed broadband services and applications. This enables new revenues and provider differentiation while managing OpEx both in the access network and in single and multi-tenant residential and business locations.


The scope includes migration to and deployment of SDN- and NFV-enabled implementations across all aspects of the broadband network. The architecture is based on the initial definition of and extensions to the framework for virtualization in the broadband network.

ARO Work Area View

Project Streams


Project Stream


PS Leads


This stream addresses convergence between wireline and wireless networks, including leveraging a converged core network and network slicing

Manuel Paul, Deutsche Telekom

Gregory Dalle, Juniper


Project Stream


PS Leads

Converged Policy and Control  


Project Stream


PS Leads

Hybrid Access

This stream addresses broadband services over dual accesses (wireline and wireless).

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Projects in Progress for this Work Area


5G Projects
Related Contributions


Combined 3GPP and BBF Functions

This document contains the results of the study on 3GPP-BBF Common Functions, that is performed in a stepwise approach, addressing the following business needs:

1 – Identification of common network functions between the 3GPP and BBF domains is a necessity

2 –Analysis of virtualization aspects of identified common functions, as an enabler for future study in the area of

Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) and Network Function Virtualization Infrastructures (NFVI), destined for mobile and fixed networks.

The results of this work in the BBF serve as a foundation for further collaboration opportunities with the 3GPP and with the ETSI ISG NFV.

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5G Requirements and Enablers

SD-373 investigates the potential of 5G in the BBF providing a gap analysis and recommendations for further technical studies. It elaborates 5G use cases considering other standardization bodies including NGMN, 3GPP, ITU and 5GPPP and analyzes the 5G technical enablers focusing on (i) unified control plain (FMC), (ii) function (de)composition and allocation (NFV), (iii) network slicing considering SDN and NFV aspects (iv) transport networks focusing on backhaul and fronthaul and (v) edge computing.

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Konstantinos Samdanis, Huawei Technologies


End-to-End Network Slicing

The purpose of this study is to investigate the concept of network slicing with respect to the BBF MSBN architecture. Network slicing is considered as a fundamental enabler the BBF MSBN needs to support in order to move from the paradigm of “one architecture fits all” to the logical “network per service”. Network slicing will enable value creation for vertical segments that lack physical network infrastructure, by offering network and cloud resources.

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Konstantinos Samdanis, Huawei Technologies


5G Fixed Mobile Convergence

The purpose of this study is to find common interfaces for the AN and CN, to support converged wireline-wireless networks that use the 5G CN. 

This project will study N1, N2 and N3 interfaces and provide detailed feedback to 3GPP in the context of 5G Fixed (as recommended by the joint 3GPP-BBF Workshop), to let 3GPP evaluate how to proceed with this as swiftly as possible. 

This project will specify of a 5G Access Gateway Function (AGF) that adapts fixed access onto the 5G core, and then consider and specify several architectural deployment options as well as the underlying infrastructure sharing aspects. 

It will also devise strategies and develop specifications to address a desire by a number of operators for interworking of existing fixed access subscribers and deployed equipment into a 5G core.

With the outcome of this project, BBF will provide recommendations for 5G system architectural and functional integration related to highlighted/identified convergence items during the joint 3GPP-BBF Workshop.

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Peng Shuping, Huawei Technologies



Hybrid Access Projects
Related Contributions


Hybrid Access Nodal Requirements

The purpose of  is to define nodal requirements in support of TR-348 Hybrid Access broadband networks, which will enable service providers to offer higher throughput and reliability services to their subscribers by means of simultaneous use of fixed broadband and 3GPP access networks.

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