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Comment: Updated WAD company and USP email list

Project Streams

User Services Platform


Project Stream Page: User Services Platform Project Stream

Project Stream Leads: Barbara Stark (AT&T) and Tim Spets (GreenWave Systems)

Description: The project stream handles the development, maintenance, and updating of the User Services Platform.


WT-369The User Services Platform

This document describes the architecture, protocol, and data model that builds an intelligent User Service Platform. It is targeted towards application developers, application service providers, CPE vendors, consumer electronics manufacturers, and broadband and mobile network providers who want to expand the value of the end users network connection and their connected devices.

The Data Model Schema and Data Model Objects for USP are developed in the BUS Data Modeling Project Stream (below).

Public Draft

Code Base




Project Stream Page: CWMP Project Stream

Project Stream Leads: John Blackford (Arris) and Klaus Wich (Huawei Technologies)

Description: This project stream manages the development, maintenance, and updating of the CPE WAN Management Protocol, commonly known as TR-069.


Active ProjectTitleDescriptionResourcesEditors

WT-069 Amendment 6 Corrigendum 1

CPE WAN Management Protocol

This Working Text defines an update to version 1.5 of the CPE WAN Management Protocol, incorporating Issues that have been promoted to accepted by the time of straw ballot.  

JIRA Issues

Code Base


Klaus Wich, Huawei Technologie

BUS Data Modeling


Project Stream Page: BUS Data Modeling Project Stream

Project Stream Leads: William Lupton (Broadband Forum) and Klaus Wich (Huawei Technologies)

Description: This project stream develops the data model objects to manage connected devices using the CPE WAN Management Protocol and/or the User Services Platform. In addtiion it defines the used schema and syntax and the necessary tool. support.


Active ProjectTitleDescriptionResourcesEditors

WT-181 Issue 2 Amendment 13 (Device:2.13)

Device Data Model

TR-181 Issue 2 defines version 2 of the Device Data Model (Device:2) for TR-069 Endpoints and USP Agents. The publication includes an overview document and XML files used when referencing the objects that model interfaces, systems, and services in connected devices.

JIRA Issues

Code Base


Klaus Wich , Huawei Technologies

Other projects


Data Model Template for CWMP-Enabled Devices and USP Agents 

WT-106 specifies data model guidelines to be followed by all CWMP Endpoints and USP Agents.  These guidelines include structural requirements for the data hierarchy, requirements for versioning of data models, and requirements for defining profiles.

In addition, WT-106 defines XML Schema that as far as possible embodies these guidelines, and which is used for defining all CWMP and USP data models.  This makes data model definitions rigorous, and helps to reduce the danger that different implementations will interpret data model definitions in different ways.

WT-106 also defines XML Schema that allows a device to describe its supported CWMP data models.  This description is both specific and detailed, allowing a Controller to know exactly what is supported by the device, including any vendor-specific objects and parameters.  Use of this Schema enhances interoperability and significantly eases the integration of new devices with a Controller.  USP uses a different mechanism for the same purpose.  That mechanism is specified in TR-369.

Code Base



WT-104VoiceService Data ModelWT-104 includes an overview document and XML files used for the VoiceService data model, used in modelling VoIP service functions on a TR-069 Endpoint or USP Agent. There is currently no active development version of WT-104.

Code Base


WT-135STBService Data ModelWT-135 includes an overview document and XML files used for the STBService data model, used in modelling Set-Top-Box service functions on a TR-069 Endpoint or USP Agent. There is currently no active development version of WT-135.

Code Base



StorageService Data Model

WT-140 includes an overview document and XML files used for the StorageService data model, used in modelling Network Attached Storage service functions on a TR-069 Endpoint or USP Agent. There is currently no active development version of WT-140.

Code Base


WT-196FAPService Data ModelWT-196 includes an overview document and XML files used for the FAPService data model, used in modelling Femto Access Point (or Small Cell) service functions on a TR-069 Endpoint or USP Agent. There is currently no active development version of WT-196.

Code Base


Wi-Fi In-Premises


Project Stream Page: Wi-Fi In-Premises Project Stream

Project Stream LeadsLes Brown (Huawei Technologies), Tony Zeng (Huawei Technologies)

Description: This project stream exists to define requirements, test cases, and performance metrics for broadband user Wi-Fi deployments in the home, in order to improve the end user experience and reduce operator support expenses.




Carrier Grade Wi-Fi - Study on Use Cases, Requirements, and Testing Procedures

The purpose of SD-398 is to collect the use cases and evolving requirements from operators regarding performance testing (to be performed prior to product selection by operators), analyze the existing documents from various SDOs and identify gaps in what they have documented, and identify potential test procedures and test profiles for Wi-Fi performance. This Study Document will enable discussions in that Project Stream prior to any decision to produce other work products such as Technical Reports, Test Plans, or formal cooperation with other standards bodies.


Barbara Stark, AT&T

Tony Zeng, Huawei Technologies 


Wi-Fi In-Premises Performance Testing

The primary goal of WT-398 is to provide a set of test cases and framework to verify the performance between AP (e.g., a CPE with Wi-Fi) and one or more STA (e.g., PC). The test cases are defined for a Device Under Test (DUT – AP only), tested against a or a set of STA. The DUT should not be a reference design and should contain the necessary system functionality to execute this test plan.Contributions

Tony Zeng, Huawei Technologies

Lincoln Lavoie, UNH-IOL


Wi-Fi In-Premises Installation and Diagnostics

This SD-401 investigates the use cases and evolving requirements from service providers regarding tools they need to adequately onboard/install, diagnose and adjust deployed Wi-Fi networks and/or devices.


Tim Carey, Nokia

Peter Silverman, ASSIA 

Network Measurement


Project Stream Page: TBD

Project Stream Leads: Barbara Stark (AT&T) and Marcos Martinez (MaxLinear)

Description: This project stream handles the interoperability of technologies used to measure in-home networks, including discovery and performance.




IEEE 1905.1 Reference Implementation

This Working Text defines a reference implementation of all mandatory and some optional parts of the 1905.1a profile version (defined in IEEE 1905.1a), ITU-T G.9977, and G.9979.

Code Base


Device Requirements


Project Stream Page: Device Requirements Project Stream

Project Stream Leads: Klaus Wich (Huawei Technologies)

Description: The Device Requirements project stream creates requirements for the development, deployment, and security of broadband users' connected devices.


WT-124 Issue 6Functional Requirements for Broadband Residential Gateway DevicesThis project defines a new issue of TR-124 that incorporates any old issues, new contributions, and adds new security requirements from SD-409 and approved contributions.

JIRA Issues


Jason Walls, QA Cafe

Klaus Wich Huawei Technologies

Compliance Testing


Project Stream Page: Compliance Testing Project Stream

Project Stream Leads:

Description: This project develops test plans and certification guidelines for standards created by the BUS Work Area.




CWMP Data Model Verification Test Plan

The purpose of ID-106 is to provide a set of test cases, which will be used as a common testing language during CWMP CPE certification.



CWMP Interoperability and Functionality Test Plan

In order to ensure the continued growth of the TR-069 market and further the interoperability of the protocol, the Broadband Forum is creating a TR-069 Certification Program. Within this program, devices implementing a TR-069 management interface may be tested for their conformance to the TR-069 specification and various use cases.  The TR-069 Certification Program started with the TR-069 Conformance Test Plan and now the CWMP Data Model Implementation Test Plan.  To provide a consistent scope for this verification, BBF developed these test plans that are to be used by the testing agencies in the verification process.

This Internal Document provides a test plan that may be used to verify Interoperability of a CPE Device with an ACS Server through use cases.


Assessment of xCONF for CPE Management


Project Stream Page: XCONF CPE Management Project Stream

Project Stream Leads: Barbara Stark (AT&T)

Description: This project stream examines the implications of using NETCONF for management of broadband CPE in some installations, and the mapping of BUS Data Models to YANG.




CWMP Data Model/YANG Translation Rules and Tools

This document describes the processes and rules that can be used to translate a TR-069 Device:2 data model to a YANG data model. The rules are intended to be implemented in a tool that can automate such translation.

Limitations of such a translated data model will also be described, as well as identifying how to leverage standardized YANG models created by other organizations, where those YANG models overlap with functionality defined in TR-069 data models.

Some service providers have expressed an interest in managing CPE or virtualized CPE-functionality using either netconf or restconf. By providing a YANG rendition of the TR-069 data model, such service providers (and their vendors) can have some consistency between the TR-069 and YANG models.


Work Area Overview

Mission Statment:

The Broadband User Services Work Area provides the broadband industry with technical specifications, implementation guides, reference implementations, test plans, and marketing white papers for the deployment, management, and consumption of services by the broadband end user.

Work Area Directors:

Business Impact:

The Broadband User Services Work Area develops specifications and publications to create a new kind of the Broadband experience for the end user and provides new means for service providers and application developers to monetize the broadband user's connection. This ranges from managed Wifi, IoT or smart home services, broadband and in-home performance management, and more - all of which open up large markets and profitable business models.

  • Develop and evolve the TR-069 CPE WAN Management Protocol and the User Service Platform (USP) to cover existing use cases, machine-to-machine/IoT use cases, and the virtualization of broadband user services
  • Develop and specify new information models to broaden the range of for which TR-069 and USP can be used
  • Develop requirements for broadband user devices and associated software
  • Develop test plans and training programs for Work Area protocols and requirements
  • Develop marketing white papers that supplement Work Area protocols and requirements

Email Lists:

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