Leaders & Contacts

Work Area Directors:

Email Lists:

Mission & Scope


Develop the architecture and nodal requirements for end-to-end broadband deployments, across traditional and converged networks (fixed line & mobile), to enable, ensure, and measure the best possible quality of experience for network users. 


  • Develop and maintain the primary, end-to-end architectures for the work of Broadband Forum.
  • Specify nodal, protocol, and management requirements for transport and routing networking components within the Broadband Forum architectures.
  • Create frameworks and specifications to enable the separation of control plane and user plane functions within Broadband Forum architectural components.
  • Create frameworks and specifications to enable convergence of the wireline accesses into the 5G core and beyond.
  • Develop and maintain measurement and monitoring approaches for maintaining high quality end-to-end broadband user experience (QoE).

Project Streams

Broadband Service Architecture (BSA) Project Stream

Wireless Wireline convergence (WWC) Project Stream

Quality of Experience (QoE) Project Stream

Work Area Calendar 

Related and Archived Materials

  1. Access and Transport Architecture Work Area - Archived
  2. Wireless and wireline convergence Work Area - Archived