Table of Contents
Names and Numbers Assigned by Other Organizations
Enterprise Number and OUI
The Broadband Forum Enterprise Number is 3561 decimal (0x0DE9) and is listed in the IANA Private Enterprise Numbers Registry. The Enterprise Number also identifies the BBF’s node in the object identifier (OID) hierarchy, with the full arc extending back to its root defined as follows: Information on the object identifier hierarchy can be found at ITU-T X.660 and ISO/IEC 9834.
The Broadband Forum IEEE OUI is 0x00256D. More information regarding IEEE OUI is at
IANA Interface Types
The following interface types were registered by BBF with IANA and are listed on the IANA MIB Module Registrations page, which references the iana-if-type YANG module and the IANAifType MIB.
Interface Type | Reference | Notes |
fastdsl | TR-355 | |
ghn | TR-374 | |
ptm | TR-383 |
TCP and UDP Ports
The following ports were registered by BBF with IANA and are listed in the IANA Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry.
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Reference | Notes |
pon-ictp | 7202 | tcp | TR-352 | |
cwmp | 7547 | tcp | TR-069 | ACS and Connection Request URLs can use this port |
cwmp | 7547 | udp | TR-069 | UDP Connection Request URL can use this port (it's the default) |
Service Names
The following Service Names (without ports) were registered by BBF and are listed in the IANA Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry. Additional links are provided here to identify references for use of these Services Names, and defined TXT parameters associated with them.
Service Name | Transport Protocol | Published Reference or Current Project | TXT Parameters | Subtypes |
usp-agt-coap | udp | TR-369 | path=<resource path> name=<device or USP friendly name> encrypt code=<provisioning code> retry-min=< USP retry minimum wait interval> retry-mult=< USP retry interval multiplier> | No defined subtypes |
usp-agt-http | tcp | TR-369 | ||
usp-agt-mqtt | tcp | TR-369 | ||
usp-agt-stomp | tcp | TR-369 | ||
usp-agt-ws | tcp | TR-369 | ||
usp-ctr-coap | udp | TR-369 | ||
usp-ctr-http | tcp | TR-369 | ||
usp-ctr-mqtt | tcp | TR-369 | ||
usp-ctr-stomp | tcp | TR-369 | ||
usp-ctr-ws | tcp | TR-369 |
URN Namespaces
The dslforum-org
, broadband-forum-org
and bbf
URN namespaces have been registered with IANA. See RFC 8057 (URN Namespaces for Broadband Forum).
The first two (old) prefixes will continue to be used for new assignments relating to the standards with which they are already used, and the third (new) prefix will be used for assignments relating to all new standards.
To get a namespace assignment, requesters must go through the Broadband Forum project and documentation creation process.
Media Types
IANA media type assignments are listed at
The following Media Types have been assigned to BBF.
Media Type | Reference |
application/vnd.bbf.usp.error | TR-369: User Services Platform (USP) This Media Type is currently described in the draft Issue 1 Amendment 1 of TR-369. This will be available at the above-referenced URL after TR-369i1a1 is published. |
application/vnd.bbf.usp.msg | |
application/vnd.bbf.usp.msg+json | TR-369: User Services Platform (USP) This Media Type is not mentioned in the USP specification, as it is not intended for use in active deployments. It is intended for debugging and testing purposes only. It indicates the USP Record and Message headers are expressed in JSON without Protobuf encoding. |
WebSocket Assignments
IANA WebSocket assignments are listed at
The following WebSocket Subprotocol Names have been assigned to BBF.
WebSocket Subprotocol Name | Reference |
v1.usp |
The following WebSocket Extension Names have been assigned to BBF.
WebSocket Extension Name | Reference |
bbf-usp-protocol |
Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) Parameters
IANA CoRE parameter assignments are listed at
The following CoRE parameter values have been assigned to BBF.
Registry | CoRE Parameter Value | Reference |
Resource Type (rt=) Link Target Attribute | bbf.usp.endpoint | |
Interface Description (if=) Link Target Attribute | bbf.usp.c | |
Interface Description (if=) Link Target Attribute | bbf.usp.a |
Network Service Header (NSH) Parameters
IANA NSH parameter assignments are listed at
The following NSH Metadata (MD) classes have been assigned to BBF.
Range | Meaning |
0x0200 | BBF Specific NSH Metadata |
TLS Exporter Labels
IANA TLS Exporter Label assignments are listed at The process for registering new labels is defined in RFC 8447; registration requests should be sent to the mailing list as specified in section 17.
BBF-registered TLS Exporter Label names will be of the form "EXPORTER-BBF-<function>" where "<function>" is a unique function name within the BBF scope.
- "<function>" should use words (not acronyms), with initial capital letters and hyphen separators. For example, "EXPORTER-BBF-Dying-Gasp"
The following TLS Exporter Labels have been assigned to BBF.
Label | DTLS-OK | Recommended | Reference |
EXPORTER-BBF-Dying-Gasp | N | N | TR-301i2a1: Architecture and Requirements for Fiber to the Distribution Point |
EXPORTER-BBF-USP-Record | N | N | TR-369i1a2: User Services Platform (USP) |
URN Namespaces
Namespace | Usage | Reference | Notes |
urn:dslforum-org:device: | BBF-defined UPnP devices | TR-064i1 TR-133 | Both these TRs are DEPRECATED TR-064i2 is not deprecated, but does not make use of this namespace. |
urn:dslforum-org:service: | BBF-defined UPnP services | TR-064i1 | Both these TRs are DEPRECATED TR-064i2 is not deprecated, but does not make use of this namespace. |
urn:dslforum-org:cwmp-n-m | CWMP version n.m | TR-069 | n and m indicate the CWMP major and minor version respectively Some examples:
urn:dslforum-org:sip | QoS protocol and flow identifiers | TR-181 Issue 2 | m and t indicate media type and transport respectively Note: pppoe is used both as a protocol and a flow identifier, and sdp is used only as a flow identifier. In theory additional protocol and flow identifiers could be defined, but this is unlikely |
Namespace | Usage | Reference | Notes |
urn:broadband-forum-org:tr-nnn-i-a-c urn:broadband-forum-org:tr-nnn-i-a | References to BBF Technical Reports | TR-106 TR-181 etc. | nnn, i, a and c indicate the TR number, Issue, Amendment and Corrigendum respectively (-c is optional) Note: wt is used instead of tr to reference a BBF Working Text (never in a published standard) Some examples:
urn:broadband-forum-org:cwmp: | XML Schemas used with CWMP | TR-069 TR-106 | Some examples:
urn:broadband-forum-org:ipdr: | XML Schemas used with IPDR | TR-232 | Some examples:
Namespace | Usage | Reference | Notes |
urn:bbf:yang: | BBF YANG module namespaces | Within this namespace, the following have been defined:
| |
urn:bbf:lmap: | BBF LMAP Performance Metrics Registry | TR-181i2a12 Appendix XX | TR-181i2a12 Appendix XX provides Theory of Operation and describes usage. The format for a registry entry within this namespace is:
The following IETF references define format of a registry entry and provide examples. |
urn:bbf:usp: | USP | TR-369 | Within this namespace, the following have been defined in TR-369:
Common Sub-options
Common Sub-option codes used with DHCPv4, DHCPv6, PPPoE and RADIUS. Code range: 1-254 (0x01-0xfe), 8 bits.
Dec | Hex | Usage | Reference | Notes |
1 | 0x01 | Agent Circuit ID | TR-156 / TR-177 | |
2 | 0x02 | Agent Remote ID | TR-156 / TR-177 | |
3-128 | 0x03-0x80 | Unassigned | ||
129 | 0x81 | Actual data rate Upstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
130 | 0x82 | Actual data rate Downstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
131 | 0x83 | Minimum Data Rate Upstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
132 | 0x84 | Minimum Data Rate Downstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
133 | 0x85 | Attainable Data Rate Upstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
134 | 0x86 | Attainable Data Rate Downstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
135 | 0x87 | Maximum Data Rate Upstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
136 | 0x88 | Maximum Data Rate Downstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
137 | 0x89 | Minimum Data Rate Upstream in low power state | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
138 | 0x8a | Minimum Data Rate Downstream in low power state | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
139 | 0x8b | Maximum Interleaving Delay Upstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in milliseconds |
140 | 0x8c | Actual interleaving Delay Upstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in milliseconds |
141 | 0x8d | Maximum Interleaving Delay Downstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in milliseconds |
142 | 0x8e | Actual interleaving Delay Downstream | TR-156 / TR-177 | 32 bit binary value in milliseconds |
143 | 0x8f | Unassigned | ||
144 | 0x90 | Access loop encapsulation | TR-101 Appendix A | 24 bit binary value |
145-154 | 0x91-0x9a | Unassigned | ||
155 | 0x9b | Expected throughput (ETR) upstream | TR-301 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
156 | 0x9c | Expected throughput (ETR) downstream | TR-301 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
157 | 0x9d | Attainable expected throughput (ATTETR) upstream | TR-301 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
158 | 0x9e | Attainable expected throughput (ATTETR) downstream | TR-301 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
159 | 0x9f | Gamma data rate (GDR) upstream | TR-301 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
160 | 0xa0 | Gamma data rate (GDR) downstream | TR-301 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
161 | 0xa1 | Attainable gamma data rate (ATTGDR) upstream | TR-301 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
162 | 0xa2 | Attainable gamma data rate (ATTGDR) downstream | TR-301 | 32 bit binary value in kbps |
163-191 | 0xa3-0xbf | Unassigned | ||
192 | 0xc0 | DPU Discovery | TR-301 Issue 2 Section | |
193 | 0xc1 | PMA Offer | TR-301 Issue 2 Section | |
194-254 | 0xc2-0xfe | Unassigned |
DHCP Sub-options
DHCPv4 Option 43 Sub-options (Codes)
RFC 2132 Section 8.4: Option 43: Vendor Specific Information. Code range: 1-254 (0x01-0xfe), 8 bits.
Dec | Hex | Usage | Reference | Notes |
1-4 | 0x01-0x04 | ACS discovery | TR-069 Section 3.1 | Sub-option usage:
5-254 | 0x05-0xfe | Unassigned |
DHCPv4 Option 82, Sub-option 9 Codes
RFC 4243: Vendor-Specific Information Suboption for the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Relay Agent Option. Code range 1-254 (0x01-0xfe), 8 bits.
The following Sub-options are used with enterprise number 3561 (BBF).
Dec | Hex | Usage | Reference | Notes |
1-2 | 0x01-0x02 | Common Sub-options | TR-156 / TR-177 | |
3-128 | 0x03-0x80 | Unassigned | ||
129-142 | 0x81-0x8e | Common Sub-options | TR-156 / TR-177 | |
143 | 0x8f | Unassigned | ||
144 | 0x90 | Common Sub-options | TR-101 Appendix A | |
145-154 | 0x91-0x9a | Unassigned | ||
155-162 | 0x9b-0xa2 | Common Sub-options | TR-301 | |
163-191 | 0xa3-0xbf | Unassigned | ||
192-193 | 0xc0-0xc1 | Common Sub-options | TR-301 Issue 2 | |
194-254 | 0xc2-0xfe | Unassigned |
DHCPv4 Option 125 Sub-options
RFC 3925 Section 4: Option 125: Vendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific Information. Sub-option range: 1-254 (0x01-0xfe), 8 bits.
The following Sub-options are used with enterprise number 3561 (BBF).
Dec | Hex | Usage | Reference | Notes |
1-4 | 0x01-0x04 | Device info | TR-124 WAN.DHCPC | Sub-option usage:
Sub-options 1-4 overlap with TR-069 Annex F |
1-6 | 0x01-0x06 | Device / Gateway association | TR-069 Annex F | Sub-option usage:
Sub-options 1-4 overlap with TR-124 |
7-10 | 0x07-0x0a | Unassigned | ||
11-14 | 0x0b-0x0e | ACS discovery | TR-069 Section 3.1 | Sub-option usage:
15-16 | 0x0f-0x10 | Reserved | TR-069 | Reserved because they're assigned as DHCPv6 option 17 sub-options |
17-20 | 0x11-0x14 | Unassigned | ||
21-23 | 0x15-0x17 | GRE tunneling | TR-317 Section | Sub-option usage:
24 | 0x18 | Client requirements | TR-317 Section | Sub-option usage:
25-29 | 0x19-0x1d | USP Controller Discovery | TR-369 Discovery and Advertisement | Sub-option usage:
30-191 | 0x1e-0xbf | Unassigned | ||
192-193 | 0xc0-0xc1 | Common Sub-options | TR-301 Issue 2 | |
194-254 | 0xc2-0xfe | Unassigned |
DHCPv6 Option 17 Sub-options
RFC 3315 Section 22.17: Option 17: Vendor-specific Information. Sub-option range: 1-65534 (0x0001-0xfffe), 16 bits.
The following Sub-options are used with enterprise number 3561 (BBF).
Dec | Hex | Usage | Reference | Notes |
1-2 | 0x0001-0x0002 | TR-156 / TR-177 | Sub-options 1-2 overlap with TR-069 | |
1-4 | 0x0001-0x0004 | ACS discovery | TR-069 Section 3.1 | Sub-option usage:
Sub-options 1-2 overlap with TR-156 / TR-177 |
5-6 | 0x0005-0x0006 | Reserved | TR-069 | Reserved because they were used prior to TR-069 Amendment 5, and because they're assigned as DHCPv4 option 125 sub-options |
7-10 | 0x0007-0x000a | Unassigned | ||
11-16 | 0x000b-0x0010 | Device / Gateway association | TR-069 Annex F | Sub-option usage:
Sub-options 1-6 were used prior to TR-069 Amendment 5 |
17-20 | 0x0011-0x0014 | Unassigned | ||
21 | 0x0015 | Reserved | TR-317 | Reserved because it's assigned as a DHCPv4 option 125 sub-option |
22-23 | 0x0016-0x0017 | GRE tunneling | TR-317 Section | Sub-option usage:
24 | 0x0018 | Reserved | TR-317 | Reserved because it's assigned as a DHCPv4 option 125 sub-option |
25-29 | 0x0019-0x001d | USP Controller Discovery | TR-369 Discovery and Advertisement | Sub-option usage:
30-128 | 0x001e-0x0080 | Unassigned | ||
129-142 | 0x0081-0x008e | Common Sub-options | TR-156 / TR-177 | |
143 | 0x008f | Unassigned | ||
144 | 0x0090 | Common Sub-options | TR-101 Appendix A | |
145-154 | 0x0091-0x009a | Unassigned | ||
155-162 | 0x009b-0x00a2 | Common Sub-options | TR-301 | |
163-191 | 0x00a3-0x00bf | Unassigned | ||
192-193 | 0x00c0-0x00c1 | Common Sub-options | TR-301 Issue 2 | |
194-65534 | 0x00c2-0xfffe | Unassigned |
PPPoE Tags
PPPoE Tag 261 Sub-options
RFC 2516 Appendix A: Tag 261 (0x0105): Vendor-Specific. Sub-option range: 1-254 (0x01-0xfe), 8 bits.
The following Sub-options are used with enterprise number 3561 (BBF).
Dec | Hex | Usage | Reference | Notes |
1-2 | 0x01-0x02 | TR-156 / TR-177 | ||
3-128 | 0x03-0x80 | Unassigned | ||
129-142 | 0x81-0x8e | Common Sub-options | TR-156 / TR-177 | |
143 | 0x8f | Unassigned | ||
144 | 0x90 | Common Sub-options | TR-101 Appendix A | |
145-154 | 0x91-0x9a | Unassigned | ||
155-162 | 0x9b-0xa2 | Common Sub-options | TR-301 | |
163-253 | 0xa3-0xfd | Unassigned | ||
254 | 0xfe | PPPoA/oE IWF session flag | TR-101 | Indicates the presence of PPPoA/oE IWF session |
RADIUS Attributes
RADIUS Attribute 26 Sub-options
RFC 2865 Section 5.26: Tag 26: Vendor-Specific. Sub-option range: 1-254 (0x01-0xfe), 8 bits.
The following Sub-options are used with enterprise number 3561 (BBF).
Dec | Hex | Usage | Reference | Notes |
1-2 | 0x01-0x02 | TR-156 / TR-177 | ||
3-128 | 0x03-0x80 | Unassigned | ||
129-142 | 0x81-0x8e | Common Sub-options | TR-156 / TR-177 | |
143 | 0x8f | Unassigned | ||
144 | 0x90 | Common Sub-options | TR-101 Appendix A | |
145-154 | 0x91-0x9a | Unassigned | ||
155-162 | 0x9b-0xa2 | Common Sub-options | TR-301 | |
163-253 | 0xa3-0xfd | Unassigned | ||
254 | 0xfe | PPPoA/oE IWF session flag | TR-101 | Indicates the presence of PPPoA/oE IWF session |
IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Information Element Identifiers
The following IPFIX IEs are defined by BBF for use with enterprise number 3561 (BBF).
Element-ID | Name | Status | Description | Reference | |||
0 | Reserved | Reserved | |||||
1 | ng2sys-id | unsigned32 | identifier | current | G.989.3 NG2Sys ID (20 bits) | none | |
2 | src-ct-id | unsigned32 | identifier | current | The identifier of the individual CT issuing the ICTP message, represented by the TC layer PON-ID of the sender CT. For PON-ID definition, see Clause of ITU-T G.989 [2] and Clause C. of G.9807.1 [6]. | none | |
3 | dst-ct-id | unsigned32 | identifier | current | The DST-CT-ID is the identifier of the individual CT receiving the ICTP message represented by the TC layer PON-ID of recipient CT. For PON-ID definition, see Clause of ITU-T G.989 [2] and Clause C. of G.9807.1 [6]. | none | |
4 | onu-identifier | unsigned16 | identifier | current | G.989.3 Clause defines the ONU-ID as a 10-bit identifier | none | |
5 | onu-serial-number | unsigned64 | default | current | G.989.3 Clause ONU Serial Number. It is comprised of Vendor-ID (4 bytes) and the VSSN (4-byte unsigned integer) | none | |
6 | xgem-port-id | unsigned16 | identifier | current | G.989.3 Clause defines the XGEM Port-ID as a 16-bit integer | none | |
7 | ipv4-address-gateway | ipv4Address | default | current | The IPv4 Access Router Gateway address. | none | |
8 | ipv6-address-gateway | ipv6Address | default | current | The IPv6 Access Router Gateway address. | none | |
9 | dhcpv4-server | ipv4Address | default | current | DHCPv4 Server Address | none | |
10 | dhcpv6-server | ipv6Address | default | current | DHCPv6 Server Address | none | |
11 | expiration | unsigned32 | default | current | DHCP Expiry (seconds) | none | |
12 | Is-static | boolean | default | current | Is static address | none | |
13 | pppoe-session-identifier | unsigned16 | identifier | current | RFC 2516 defines the session ID for Discovery packets. The value is fixed for a given PPP session. The Ethernet Source and Destination Address uniquely identify a PPPoE session. | none | |
14 | client-mac-address | macAddress | default | current | Subscriber MAC address for this flow | none | |
15 | bras-mac-address | macAddress | default | current | BRAS MAC address for this flow. | none | |
16 | sflag | unsigned16 | default | current | Session status flag bitmaps:
| none | |
17 | birthtime | dateTimeSeconds | default | current | Birth Time for the PPPoE Session | seconds | |
18 | querier-source-ipv4-address | ipv4Address | default | current | The Querier IPv4 source address | none | |
19 | querier-source-ipv6-address | ipv6Address | default | current | The Querier IPv6 source address | none | |
20 | querier-uptime | dateTimeSeconds | current | The time since mgmdRouterInterfaceQuerier was last changed | seconds | ||
21 | host-reporter-ipv4-address | ipv4Address | default | current | The host reporter IPv4 source address | none | |
22 | host-reporter-ipv6-address | ipv6Address | default | current | The host reporter IPv6 source address | none | |
23 | group-ipv4-address | ipv4Address | default | current | The multicast group address | none | |
24 | group-ipv6-address | ipv6Address | default | current | The multicast group address | none | |
25 | entity-class | unsigned16 | default | current | G.988 Entity Class | none | |
26 | entity-instance | unsigned16 | default | current | G.988 Entity Instance | none | |
27 | attribute-mask | unsigned16 | default | current | G.988 Attribute Mask | none | |
28 | attribute-values | octetArray | default | current | G.988 Attribute Value | none | |
29 | table-entity-class | unsigned16 | default | current | G.988 Entity Class | none | |
30 | table-entity-instance | unsigned16 | default | current | G.988 Entity Instance | none | |
31 | table-attribute-mask | unsigned16 | default | current | G.988 Attribute Mask | none | |
32 | array-tablerows | octetArray | default | current | G.988 Array of Table Rows | none | |
33-32767 | Unassigned |
Packet Forwarding Control Protocol (PFCP) Information Element (IE) Extensions
The Broadband Forum (BBF) Enterprise Number is 3561 decimal (0x0DE9) and is listed in the IANA Private Enterprise Numbers Registry.
PFCP IEs extended by BBF follow the 3GPP TS 29.244 specified format of vendor-specific IEs.
Type Identifier | Name | Reference(s) | Notes |
32768 | BBF UP Function Features | TR-459, TR-459.2, TR-459.3, TR-459 Issue 2 | Supported UP Features: Bit 7/1: PPPoE (459) Bit 7/2: IPoE (459) Bit 7/3: LAC (459) Bit 7/4: LNS (459) Bit 7/5: LCP keepalive offload (459) Bit 7/6: IPTV (459.3) Bit 7/7: NAT-CP (459.2) Bit 7/8: NAT-UP (459.2) Bit 8/1: Issue 2 Minimum Feature Set (459i2) Bit 8/2: Volume quota and thresholds (459i2) Bit 8/3: ACL (459i2) Bit 8/4: Server Control Packet Redirection (459i2) |
32769 | Logical Port | TR-459 | |
32770 | BBF Outer Header Creation | TR-459 | Supported Outer Headers: Bit 1: CPR-NSH Bit 2: Traffic-Endpoint Bit 3: L2TP Bit 4: PPP |
32771 | BBF Outer Header Removal | TR-459 | Supported Outer Removals: Value 1: Ethernet Value 2: PPPoE/Ethernet Value 3: PPP/PPPoE/Ethernet Value 4: L2TP Value 5: PPP/L2TP |
32772 | PPPoE Session ID | TR-459 | |
32773 | PPP protocol | TR-459 | Supported Flags: Bit 1: Specific Bit 2: Data Bit 3: Control |
32774 | Verification Timers | TR-459 | |
32775 | PPP LCP Magic Number | TR-459 | |
32776 | MTU | TR-459 | |
32777 | L2TP Tunnel Endpoint | TR-459 | |
32778 | L2TP Session ID | TR-459 | |
32779 | L2TP Type | TR-459 | |
32780 | PPP LCP Connectivity | TR-459 | |
32781 | L2TP Tunnel | TR-459 | |
32782 | BBF Multicast Flags | TR-459.3 | Supported Flags: Bit 1: Fast Leave Bit 2: Router Alert Off |
32783 | BBF Multicast Query Parameters | TR-459.3 | |
32784 | BBF Multicast Group Limit | TR-459.3 | |
32785 | BBF Multicast Protocol Control | TR-459.3 | |
32787 | BBF Apply Action | TR-459.2, TR-459 Issue 2 | Supported Actions: Bit 1: NAT (459.2) Bit 2: Reply-To-Request (459i2) |
32788 | BBF NAT External Port Range | TR-459.2 | |
23789 | BBF NAT Port Forward | TR-459.2 | |
23790 | BBF Report Trigger | TR-459.2 | Supported Triggers: Value 1: DBNG-UP allocated NAT blocks needs to be reported |
32791 | BBF Dynamic NAT Block Port Range | TR-459.2 | |
32792 | BBF Event Time Stamp | TR-459.2 | |
32793 | BBF-node-info-create | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32794 | BBF-node-info-modify | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32795 | BBF-node-info-delete | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32796 | BBF Logical Port Report | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32797 | BBF SGRP Notification Report | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32798 | BBF Network Instance Report | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32799 | BBF SGRP Error | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32800 | BBF SGRP | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32801 | BBF UP Subscriber Prefix | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32819 | BBF Prefix Error | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32802 | BBF ACL | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32803 | BBF Direction | TR-459 Issue 2 | Value 0 - Input/Ingress/Upstream direction Value 1 - Output/Egress/Downstream direction |
32804 | BBF Family | TR-459 Issue 2 | Value 0 - IPv4 Value 1 - IPv4 Value 2 - IPv46 Value 3 - L2eth |
32806 | BBF SGRP Identifier | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32807 | BBF SGRP State | TR-459 Issue 2 | Value 0 - reserved Value 1 - Active Value 2 - Backup Value 3 - Track-Logical-Port |
32808 | BBF SGRP Flags | TR-459 Issue 2 | Bit 1 : Router Advertisement State Bit 2 : Partial State Allowed |
32809 | BBF Operational Condition | TR-459 Issue 2 | Value 0 - Up Value 1 - Down Value 2 - Not-ready Value 3 - Up-active Value 4 - Up-backup |
32810 | BBF IPv4 Prefix | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32811 | BBF IPv6 Prefix | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32812 | BBF Prefix Tag | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32813 | BBF Error Code | TR-459 Issue 2 | Values: 0x0: Reserved 0x1: SGRP programming error because of resource exhaustion 0x2: SGRP programming error because of configuration mismatch or incomplete 0x3: SGRP programming error related to vMAC 0x4: SGRP Partial state is not supported on DBNG-UP 0x5: SGRP Track logical port is not supported by DBNG-UP on the Logical ports specified for this SGRP 0x6: ACL name not found 0x7: Prefix programming error because of resource exhaustion 0x8: Prefix programming error because of configuration mismatch or incomplete 0x9: Prefix’s Network Instance not found 0xA: Prefix Active Tag matching not found 0xB: Prefix Backup Tag matching not found 0xC: Prefix’s SGRP ID not found 0xD Prefix not found (on prefix modify or prefix delete) 0xE Prefix in use (when SGRP delete is performed before prefix delete) 0xF SGRP programming error because of ongoing SGRP deletion 0xFFFF Other error |
32814 | BBF Error Message | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32815 | BBF Maximum ACL Chain Length | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32816 | BBF Forwarding Capacity | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32817 | BBF Connectivity Status | TR-459 Issue 2 | Value 0 - Reserved Value 1 - Connected Value 2 - Isolated |
32818 | Vendor-specific Node Report Type | TR-459 Issue 2 | Bit 1 - Logical Port Report Bit 2 - Subscriber Group Report Bit 3 - Network Instance Report |
32820 | BBF C-Tag Range | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32821 | BBF S-Tag Range | TR-459 Issue 2 | |
32822 | BBF 5WE Session ID | TR-458 | |
32823 | BBF Traffic Enforcement Type | TR-458 | |
32824 | BBF PCP | TR-458 | |
32825 | BBF TC Name | TR-458 | |
32826 | BBF PBS | TR-458 | Bit 1 - Uplink PBS Bit 2 - Downlink PBS |
32827 | BBF CBS | TR-458 | Bit 1 - Uplink CBS Bit 2 - Downlink CBS |
32828 | BBF CIRmax | TR-458 | Bit 1 - Uplink CIR max Bit 2 - Downlink CIR max |
32829 | BBF Parent QER ID | TR-458 | |
32830 | BBF QoS Profile Name | TR-458 | |
32832 | BBF UL Policing Descriptor Name | TR-458 | |
32833 | BBF DL Policing Descriptor Name | TR-458 | |
32834 | BBF UL TC Policing Descriptor Name | TR-458 | |
32835 | BBF DL TC Policing Descriptor Name | TR-458 | |
32836 | BBF DL Descriptor Name | TR-458 | |
32837 | BBF DL TC Descriptor Name | TR-458 |