Access Work Area: Develop Broadband Forum technical specifications and test plans to enable multi-vendor interoperability for last mile broadband network deployments according to Broadband Forum network architectures.

Connected User Work Area: Develop technical specifications, implementation guides, reference implementations, test plans, and marketing white papers for the deployment, management, and consumption of services by broadband end users.

Network Architecture Work Area: Develop the architecture and nodal requirements for end-to-end broadband deployments, across traditional and converged networks (fixed line & mobile), to enable, ensure, and measure the best possible quality of experience for network users.

Provider Cloud Work Area: Develop the frameworks and specifications to enable broadband services, and the networks providing those services, to utilize cloud-based deployment approaches, including automation leveraging machine learning and AI.

Service Requirements Work Area: Support the Broadband Forum’s work for Services-Led Broadband by defining user-centric service requirements, advancing broadband service definitions, and fostering service innovations.

YANG Ninjas: Support Broadband Forum projects, work areas, and activities with the expertise necessary to produce the highest quality YANG specifications possible.

Broadband Innovation Group (BIG) initiative: An open environment to expose, discuss, stretch, and socialize ideas that could be qualified, at first, as out-of-the-box, innovative, or embryonic.

This page lists current active Broadband Forum projects. To view approved work, visit the Broadband Forum website.

For more information on Broadband Forum membership, please contact Rhonda Heier, the Broadband Forum Membership Development Manager or visit our Become a Member page.


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Project Stream
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ATAPerformance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT)MD-452.3Quality Experience Delivered (QED): Performance Measurement Architecture (webinar/presentation)ContributionsPeter Thompson (Predictable Network Solutions)
ATAPerformance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT)WT-452.3Quality Attenuation Conformance TestingContributionsPeter Thompson (Predictable Network Solutions)
ATAPerformance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT)WT-452.4QED Measurement FormatsContributionsBjørn Ivar Teigen (Domos)
ATAPerformance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT)WT-452.6Applicability of IOAM to QED Measurement using an Active ProtocolContributions

Ron Insler (Rad)

Fabrizio Guidotti (Outsys)

ATAPerformance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT)WT-452.7Quality Attenuation Measurements Using L2 and L3 Active Protocols in Multicast Environments


Fabio Giudici (Outsys)

Fabrizio Guidotti (Outsys)

ATAAccess ArchitectureWT-459 Issue 3Multi-Service Disaggregated BNG with CUPS: Integrated Carrier Grade NAT function. Reference Architecture, Deployment Models, Interface, and Protocol SpecificationsContributions

Kenneth Wan (Nokia)

Nagaraj Turaiyur (Juniper)

ATAAccess ArchitectureWT-459.2 Issue 2Multi-Service Disaggregated BNG with CUPS: Integrated Carrier Grade NAT function. Reference Architecture, Deployment Models, Interface, and Protocol SpecificationsContributions

ATAAccess ArchitectureWT-474Subscriber Session Steering



Jonathan Newton (Vodafone)

Hans-Joerg Kolbe (Radisys) 

ATAAccess ArchitectureWT-515Security Considerations for IPv6 Broadband Networks

Xeuyan Song (ZTE)

Yu Fu (China Unicom)

ATAPerformance, Experience, and Application Testing (PEAT)WT-518Extended Time To First Byte (TTFB) Metric, Related Metrics, and Measurements MethodsNPIF


ATANot AssignedWT-519

Application of L4S to Broadband Networks


Kenneth Wan (Nokia)

Xeuyan Song (ZTE)

BUSSubscriber Networking Project Stream - BUSWT-124 Issue 9Functional Requirements for Broadband Residential Gateway Devices


Madhura Paduvalli (LGI), Jason Walls (QA Cafe)

BUSSubscriber Networking Project Stream - BUSWT-124 Issue 10Functional Requirements for Broadband Residential Gateway Devices


Bitbucket: WT-124

Madhura Paduvalli (LGI), Jason Walls (QA Cafe)

BUSSubscriber Networking Project Stream - BUSWT-434Performance Test of In-Premises Video Support Over Wi-Fi



BUSUser Services PlatformWT-479Framework for USP-Enabled DOCSIS Devices


John Blackford (Vantiva)
BUSSubscriber Networking Project Stream - BUSWT-492Software Based Architecture Smart Gateway Design Principles

Jira: SGDP

Bitbucket: TBD

Mike Talbert (WNC), Dennis Edwards (Nokia)
BUSSmart HomeTBDOperator-Grade Smart Home


Jason Walls (QA Cafe)
BUSCompliance Testing Project StreamDTP-510Conformance Test Plan for USP Brokers


Jason Walls (QA Cafe)
BUSData ModelingWT-511IEEE1905.1 Data Model Enhancements for Subscriber Networks


Dennis Edwards (Nokia)
BUSSmart HomeWT-517MatterService Data Model for USP Enabled Devices


Matthieu Anne (Orange)
BUSData ModelingDevice:2.19 (TR-181)

Device Data Model


Steve Nicolai, Arris

Klaus Wich, Huawei

David Woolley, Telstra

William Lupton, Broadband Forum 

BUSUser Services PlatformDTP-469a4

Conformance Test Plan for USP Agents Amendment 4 (DTP-469)



Jason Walls

BUS / PHYtxSubscriber Networking Project Stream - BUSWT-398 Issue 4Wi-Fi Residential & SOHO Performance Testing


Martin Casey (Calix)

Common YANG

YANG Modules


Common YANG Modules for Access Networks


Bitbucket: WT-383

Nick Hancock (Adtran)

Shiya Ashraf (Nokia)

Kevin Noll (CableLabs)

Common YANG

YANG Modules

WT-496YANG Data Model for MoCA Access 2.5 Interface


Bitbucket: WT-496

Helge Tiainen (Incoax)

Marcos Martinez (MaxLinear)

Common YANG

YANG Modules

WT-513Access Node Management at Scale


Bitbucket: WT-513

Shiya Ashraf (Nokia)

Haomian Zheng (Huawei)

FANNot AssignedWT-142 Issue 5Framework for CWMP and USP enabled PON DevicesContributionsTBD
FANNot AssignedWT-156 Issue 5Using PON Access in the Context of TR-101ContributionsTBD
FANNot AssignedWT-280 Issue 4

PON in the Context of TR-178

ContributionsHugues Le Bras (Orange)
FANPON ManagementWT-385 Issue 3 Amendment 1YANG Modules for PON Management


Bitbucket: WT-385

Robert Peschi (Nokia)

FANInteroperability and TestWT-423 Issue 3PON PMD Layer Conformance Test PlanContributions

Hugh Singleton (BT)

FANPON ManagementWT-489, Issue 1, Amendment 1Authentication of an ONU and selection of eOMCI or vOMCIContributionsRobert Peschi (Nokia)
FANPON ManagementWT-505ONU Management at Scale


Bitbucket: WT-505

Joey Boyd (Adtran)

Robert Peschi (Nokia)

FANPON ManagementWT-509YANG Modules for Cooperative Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment (CO DBA)


Bitbucket: WT-509

Francois Fredricx (Nokia)
FANG.HSP 50G-PONThe G.HSP 50G-PON Project Stream is linked to many projects and Working Texts. See the Contributions link or go to the Project Stream home page for more details.ContributionsProject Stream lead: Samuel Chen (Broadcom)
FAN25GS PONThe 25GS PON Project Stream is linked to many projects and Working Texts. See the Contributions link or go to the Project Stream home page for more details.



Project Stream lead: Frank Van der Putten (Nokia)
FANPON ManagementWT-512EAP-OMCI MethodContributionsFrank Van der Putten (Nokia)
FANPON ManagementWT-514OLT PON Management at Scale


Bitbucket: WT-514

Jian Zhu (Huawei)

Robert Peschi (Nokia)

PHYtxNon-PS AssignedWT-285 Issue 2 Amendment 1Broadband Copper Cable ModelsContributionsAndre Holley (TELUS Communications)

PHYtx and RPF Certification 

OD-335 Interop Plugfest Test Plan


Martin Casey (Calix)
Non-PS AssignedWT-301 Issue 3

Architecture and Requirements for Fiber to the Distribution Point 

(WT-301i3 will not proceed. The project scope changes to address FTTep requirements in a new WT.)

PHYtxNon-PS AssignedWT-500MoCA Access Performance Test PlanContributions

Helge Tiainen (InCoax)

SDN and NFVCloudCOWT-384 Issue 2Cloud Central Office Reference Architectural FrameworkContributions

Aihua Guo (Futurewei)

Hai Ding (China Unicom)

SDN and NFVCloudCOWT-403 Amendment 1PON Abstraction Interface for Time-critical ApplicationsContributions

Bruno Cornaglia (Vodafone)

SDN and NFVCloudCOWT-411 Issue 2Definition of Interfaces between Cloud CO Functional ModulesContributions


SDN and NFVCloudCOWT-413 Issue 2SDN Management and Control Interfaces for CloudCO Network FunctionsContributions

Mauro Tilocca (Telecom Italia)

Haomian Zheng (Huawei)

SDN and NFVAutomated Intelligent ManagementWT-436 Issue 2Automated Intelligent Management Framework and ArchitectureContributions

Hiroshi Ou (NTT)

Xueyan Song (ZTE)

SDN and NFVCloudCOWT-451 Amendment 1vOMCI Interface SpecificationContributions

Andre' D. Brizido (Altice Labs)

SDN and NFVCloudCOWT-454 Issue 2YANG Modules for Access Network Map & Equipment InventoryContributions

Tom van Caenegem

Avinash S.

SDN and NFVCloud ComponentWT-486i2Interfaces for AIMContributions

Ken Kerpez (DZS)

Kota Asaka (NTT)

SDN and NFVCloud ComponentWT-491Metro Compute Networking Architecture, Functional Modules and Interface DefinitionsContributions

Call for co-Editor:

Contact the SDN and NFV Work Area Directors or for more information.

SDN and NFVCloud ComponentWT-495Smart SD-WAN Architecture and Node RequirementsContributionsFeng Yang (China Mobile)
SDN and NFVAutomated Intelligent ManagementWT-508Broadband Network Data Collection (BNDC)Contributions

Jian Zhu (Huawei)

Yu Xie (ZTE)

SDN and NFVNon-PS AssignedWT-520OLT NETCONF/YANG NBI standard conformance Test PlanContributions

Mauro Tilocca (Fibercop)

WWC5GWT-456 Issue 3AGF Functional RequirementsContributions

Christele Bouchat (Nokia)

Jonathan Newton (Vodafone)

WWC5GWT-458 Issue 2Wireless and Wireline Convergence with Control and User Plane Separation - Reference Architecture, Interface, and Protocol SpecificationContributions

Kenneth Wan (Nokia)

WWC5GWT-470 Issue 3FMC Architectural OverviewContributions

Christele Bouchat (Nokia)

Manuel Paul (Deutsche Telekom)

WWC5GMD-5065G Hybrid AccessContributions


WWCMulti-Tenant FWAWT-507FWA solution for delivery inside a MDU/MTUContributions

Helge Tiainen / InCoax

Michael Timmers (Nokia)

WWCMulti-Tenant FWAMD-516 Benefits of Multi-Tenant Fixed Wireless AccessContributions


AccessAccess Architecture and FrameworkWT- 523Architecture and Requirements for Fiber and MT-FWA Access Extension Contributions


Service RequirementsQuality of Experience (QoE)WT-524Service DefinitionsContributions


Open Broadband Projects

Open Broadband (OB) initiatives: Brings open source and open standards together, paving the way to dramatically change our industry and bring the full promise of broadband to fruition. Read more.

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Open Broadband - WWC Reference Implementation for 5G-RG

OB-5WWC Wiki


Open Broadband - Broadband Access Abstraction (BAA)

OB-MAPOpen Broadband -Multi Access Point (MAP) OB-MAP Wiki
OB-UDPSTOpen Broadband -UDP Speed TestOB-UDPST Wiki
OB-USP-AgentOpen Broadband - USP-AgentOB-USP-Agent Wiki

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  1. I click the hyperlink "contributions" of WT-487, It show "No issues were found to match your search".

    1. Sorry for the problem here - the filter is updated and should work correctly now! Thank you.