Work Areas

Below you will find the mission and scope of each work area.



Develop Broadband Forum technical specifications and test plans to enable multi-vendor interoperability for last mile broadband network deployments according to Broadband Forum network architectures.


  • Develop technical specifications for broadband access networks, including fixed wireless access, such as nodal requirements for access nodes, requirements for PON based mobile backhaul networks, authentication of network endpoints, and access network power saving.
  • Specify data / information models for management of access nodes and subtended devices.
  • Create of conformance, interoperability, and plugfest test plans for access network technologies (such as HS-PON, XGS-PON, NG-PON, Gfast, etc.).

Connected User


Develop technical specifications, implementation guides, reference implementations, test plans, and marketing white papers for the deployment, management, and consumption of services by broadband end users.


  • Develop and evolve the User Service Platform (USP) to cover existing use cases, new use cases that expand beyond the home network into the SOHO/enterprise domain, machine-to-machine/IoT use cases, and the virtualization of broadband user services.
  • Develop and specify new information models to broaden the range of devices, interfaces, and technologies for which USP can be used control and manage
  • Develop requirements for broadband user devices and associated software
  • Develop test plans and certification programs related to the home network, including the USP protocols, data model validation, Wi-Fi performance, and general home network performance
  • Work in collaboration with other groups to develop and maintain measurement and monitoring approaches for maintaining high quality end-to-end broadband user experience (QoE) as it pertains to the connected user.
  • Focus on the managed home and new monetized services including service containerization, smart home and IOT connectivity.

Network Architecture


Develop the architecture and nodal requirements for end-to-end broadband deployments, across traditional and converged networks (fixed line & mobile), to enable, ensure, and measure the best possible quality of experience for network users. 


  • Develop and maintain the primary, end-to-end architectures for the work of Broadband Forum.
  • Specify nodal, protocol, and management requirements for transport and routing networking components within the Broadband Forum architectures.
  • Create frameworks and specifications to enable the separation of control plane and user plane functions within Broadband Forum architectural components.
  • Create frameworks and specifications to enable convergence of the wireline accesses into the 5G core and beyond.
  • Develop and maintain measurement and monitoring approaches for maintaining high quality end-to-end broadband user experience (QoE).

Provider Cloud


Develop the frameworks and specifications to enable broadband services, and the networks providing those services, to utilize cloud-based deployment approaches, including automation leveraging machine learning and AI.


  • Enhance the cloud-based environment with its related requirements, called Cloud-based Central Office (CloudCO).
  • Specify the software architectural requirements, the interface specification among all the components.
  • Develop frameworks and specifications to enable network automation and autonomous networking supported by machine learning and AI.
  • Develop YANG data models and interface specifications to enable consistent and programmatic approaches to network wide management of broadband networks and services.

Service Requirements (**NEW**)


Support the Broadband Forum’s work for Services-Led Broadband by defining user-centric service requirements, advancing broadband service definitions, and fostering service innovations.


  • Create normative service requirements specifications across all Broadband Forum domains (from subscriber networks, access networks, to core networks).
  • Perform studies for network services or technologies, through surveys, review of new use cases, trial deployments, or member discussions.
  • Define service requirements on the network for the network operator, open access / wholesale and retail broadband businesses.
  • Enable Intelligent broadband that delivers on the applications and services that subscribers demand and the Quality of Experience they need. 

Committees & Advisors

The Forum may, from time to time, establish other committees or advisory groups to aid the Work Areas in the progress of their work, or to accomplish specific strategic items.  These technical activities report to the steering committee and Broadband Forum Technical Chair, in a fashion similar to our Work Areas.

YANG Ninjas


Support Broadband Forum projects, work areas, and activities with the expertise necessary to produce the highest quality YANG specifications possible.


  • Maintain the Broadband Forum YANG Best Practices documents
  • Develop and maintain processes to ensure the consistency, accuracy, and quality of BBF YANG models across all work areas and projects.
  • See Review Process described below and at YANG review process

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