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Comment: Added a social and networking opportunities


titleExclusive Face to Face Meeting Sponsor

Image Added


  • Request for meeting location are given strong consideration
  • First right of refusal for other sponsoring opportunities (WLAN, Networking, Demo - at regular sponsoring costs) for the relevant quarterly meeting
  • Technology demonstration which will be advertised by the Forum to all attendees, but not endorsed (Guidelines listed below must be followed.)
  • 5 guest passes for non-member meeting attendance Guidelines for acceptance of free passes to be provided by Staff. 
  • Speaking opportunities include:
    • An invitation to sponsor company senior executive to welcome the attendees with a company introduction (delivered via live or pre-recorded video) during Opening Plenary (Not to exceed 15 minutes)**
    • Suggesting subjects and inviting speakers for the meeting special sessions, such as: a Keynote or Birds of a Feather session.  Subjects and speakers are approved and overseen by Staff**
    • Video Featured during the a Plenary, posted to Broadband Forum sites and Social Media pages (video provided by sponsor)**
  • Your corporate logo displayed throughout the meeting information leading up-to and for the duration of meeting:
    • The Forum meeting web and wiki pages such as general informational, agendas, etc.
    • Transition "Thank You" slides used during special sessions
    • Physical signage placed in the room during the Opening and Closing Plenary Presentations
    • Recognition slides during the Opening and Closing Plenary Presentations
    • Signage placed throughout the meeting space e.g. at the meeting registration desk and in break areas (at the discretion of Forum & Hotel Staff**)
    • Opportunity to place one (1) sponsor company produced banner (roll up) at meeting registration desk (Content must be pre-approved by the Staff and must comply with anti-trust guidelines**)
    • Opportunity to have branded giveaways at the meeting, to be distributed at the registration desk (Content must be pre-approved by the Staff and comply with anti-trust guidelines**)
    • Printed on the hard copy meeting agenda and other meeting materials
    • Permanent record of your sponsorship listed on the Forum sites
  • Communication recognition opportunities available:
    • Verbal recognition given by the Chairman or Staff during the Opening and Closing Plenary Presentations
    • Social media posts on the Broadband Forum LinkedIn and Twitter accounts
    • Pre-Event email (distribution to more than 10,000 contacts)
    • Verbal recognition during special sessions
    • Written recognition (with logo if feasible) in the BBFs quarterly meeting report and newsletter, which are uploaded to the BBF sites and distribution to more than 10,000 contacts

**Restrictions: All of the above benefits will be pre-approved by the Staff or Board Officer as they must be respectful of and abide by the BBF Antitrust Guidelines:

Requirements / processes for technology demonstrations

  • The technology demonstration has to comply with Forum anti-trust policies
  • The technology demonstration has to be open to all meeting attendees
  • Technology demonstration at premises but separate from the Forum meeting (rental organization and cost are driven by Sponsor)
    • The demonstration premises needs to be convenient to the meeting logistics so as not to disrupt regular Forum business at the meeting (logistics will be closely coordinated between the sponsor and the Staff)
    • All costs of the demonstration will be borne by the sponsor
  • The demonstration may not include an extensive promotion of technical proposals currently being made by the sponsor to the Broadband Forum
  • The demonstration is primarily an educational event for the Forum meeting attendees
  • The demonstration cannot be a 'product pitch' with mentions of market share, pricing, contract terms and so on
  • The demonstration proposal will be reviewed and vetted by the Technical Oversight Committee for content, with final approval by the Board of Directors
  • The demonstration will be reviewed by the Staff, or another Board Officer, prior to being open to all meeting attendees, to ensure compliance with all policies

Exclusive Face to Face Meeting Sponsorship: $30,000 (guideline amount)
