Our Spring Member Meeting saw our biggest attendance in more than 15 years, drawing 158 attendees to Mainz, Germany. We have enjoyed a very productive meeting, and continue to build on the success of 2023, with 16 new work area projects started and two new Open Broadband projects launched since our last meeting. In Mainz, the home to the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press and no stranger to ground-breaking tech innovation, we opened the meeting with discussions on the latest significant breakthrough in tech history. Bringing together technology innovators from across the industry, our Town Hall Innovation Series explored the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in broadband networks. The BASe Technical and USP Summits took place in tandem with our member meeting and was highly attended with a host of engaging plenary sessions, roundtables, and video demonstrations. The three events amassed a total of 243 registered attendees across five days. Thank you to all of our work area directors, project stream leaders, editors, and contributors for their continuous dedication in building universally adopted open standards and open-source software. Talking with many of the attendees, there was real energy and enthusiasm surrounding the ongoing work and direction of the Broadband Forum... Read more. |